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Leonardo’s Horse Vocabulary

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1 Leonardo’s Horse Vocabulary
Fifth Grade Unit 3 Week 2

2 Words to Know achieved fashioned midst architect philosopher rival
bronze video visible cannon spectators depressed inspect philosophy

3 A dark yellow-brown alloy of copper and tin
achieved architect bronze cannon depressed fashioned midst philosopher rival video visible spectators philosophy inspect bronze A dark yellow-brown alloy of copper and tin

4 achieved architect bronze cannon depressed fashioned midst philosopher rival video visible spectators philosophy inspect philosopher a person who attempts to discover and understand the basic nature of knowledge and reality

5 person who designs and makes plans for buildings
achieved architect bronze cannon depressed fashioned midst philosopher rival video visible spectators philosophy inspect architect person who designs and makes plans for buildings

6 made, shaped, or formed fashioned achieved architect bronze cannon
depressed fashioned midst philosopher rival video visible spectators philosophy inspect fashioned made, shaped, or formed

7 a big gun, especially one mounted on a base or wheels
achieved architect bronze cannon depressed fashioned midst philosopher rival video visible spectators philosophy inspect cannon a big gun, especially one mounted on a base or wheels

8 in the middle of midst achieved architect bronze cannon depressed
fashioned midst philosopher rival video visible spectators philosophy inspect midst in the middle of

9 achieved architect bronze cannon depressed fashioned midst philosopher rival video visible spectators philosophy inspect rival A person who wants and tries to get the same thing as another or one who tries to equal or do better than another; competitor

10 gloomy; sad depressed achieved architect bronze cannon depressed
fashioned midst philosopher rival video visible spectators philosophy inspect depressed gloomy; sad

11 carried out to a successful end
achieved architect bronze cannon depressed fashioned midst philosopher rival video visible spectators philosophy inspect achieved carried out to a successful end

12 inspect look at closely achieved architect bronze cannon depressed
fashioned midst philosopher rival video visible spectators philosophy inspect inspect look at closely

13 a machine that lets you see a movie
achieved architect bronze cannon depressed fashioned midst philosopher rival video visible spectators philosophy inspect video a machine that lets you see a movie

14 in this word, ‘philo’ means love
achieved architect bronze cannon depressed fashioned midst philosopher rival video visible spectators philosophy inspect philosophy in this word, ‘philo’ means love

15 in this word, ‘spec’ means to watch, or observe
achieved architect bronze cannon depressed fashioned midst philosopher rival video visible spectators philosophy inspect spectator in this word, ‘spec’ means to watch, or observe

16 in this word, ‘vis’ means to see
achieved architect bronze cannon depressed fashioned midst philosopher rival video visible spectators philosophy inspect visible in this word, ‘vis’ means to see

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