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West Virginia Geography By Jessica Minor and Heidi Cannon.

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1 West Virginia Geography By Jessica Minor and Heidi Cannon

2 West Virginia is known as the “Mountain State” for a reason The mountains not only protect WV's residents from tornadoes and hurricanes, but also provide endless amounts of recreation. Many West Virginians, such as Ruth Graham who has lived in WV her whole life, grew up hiking in the mountains. "We didn't grow up with television and computers...we used what we had." In more recent years, ATV's became a big part of the culture with such dirt trails as the Hatfield-McCoy in Logan County. West Virginia also has many rivers and creeks that are just as much a part of Appalachian culture. Ruth played in creeks, wading while searching for critters like tadpoles, to keep entertained. She also went fishing in rivers for some father-daughter time. In conclusion, the geography of West Virginia is not just mountains and rivers-- it's a place to grow up and have good clean fun for all those who live near.

3 There are only nine states smaller than West Virginia in this country, but I can guarantee that there are few as rugged. West Virginia is a state with one of the most interesting layouts. If you’re not driving flat next to a river or lake, you’re probably driving up or down.

4 Interview Growing up in an urban area such as California and Florida and then moving to the rural setting of West Virginia, like Logan High School student Heidi Cannon did, is a life-altering experience. Heidi says about living in California, “I’m sure there were some mountains, but they must not have been big because I never saw them.” Being able to live five years in the wonderful mountain state has changed Heidi a lot. “Honestly, I think out of any place I’ve lived, I like it here (West Virginia) the best. The mountains are beautiful, I can drive as little as 10 minutes and find a place secluded enough to watch meteor showers, and each town seems to have it’s own history and roots. The mountains have taught me patience and also acceptance of everyone I meet because there seems to be a little of every culture here.”

5 Facts West Virginia is 240 miles long and 130 miles wide. It covers 24,231 square miles, making it the 41st largest state in the US. It is bordered by Pennsylvania and Ohio on the North, Maryland on the East, Virginia on the South, and Kentucky on the West. Its main bodies of water are the Guyandotte River, Ohio River, and Greenbrier River, along with Tygart Lake and Bluestone Lake. The Allegheny and Blue Ridge Mountain Ranges cover 1/6 of West Virginia, with the Appalachian Plateau covering the other 5/6. Coal was first discovered in 1742 in what is now Boone County of West Virginia.

6 Major Industry West Virginia produces about 15% of the total coal production in the US. We lead the nation in underground coal production and coal exports, with over 53 million tons sent to 23 different countries. The West Virginia Coal Industry Produces about 40,000 direct jobs in WV. Coal occurs in 53 out of the 55 counties.

7 What Else is Interesting About West Virginia? The Appalachian Ridge and Valley Regions are home to many hidden caves and underground streams. The amazing hunting, fishing, camping, hiking, white water rafting, four-wheeling, and skiing offered here make up a great tourist industry. There are several beautiful state parks across West Virginia that provide such activities as horseback riding, mountain climbing, pool and stream swimming, picnicking, golfing, camping, mountain biking, hiking, fishing, as well as other outdoor sport activities.

8 In Conclusion On foot, on water, by bike or vehicle, if you enjoy the beautiful outdoors, West Virginia is the place for you. Our state signs will say Wild and Wonderful, Almost Heaven and we find that there is nothing closer to the truth.

9 Bibliography Cannon, Heidi L. Personal interview. 16 Apr. 2008. Graham, Ruth. Telephone interview. 16 Apr. 2008. "West Virginia Coal Mining Facts." 21 Apr. 2008. "West Virginia." Netsate. 21 Apr. 2008.

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