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Epic & Satire Gillian Cannon Pd. 9 -10 Honors ELA.

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1 Epic & Satire Gillian Cannon Pd. 9 -10 Honors ELA

2 Satire  Definition: the use of irony, sarcasm, ridicule, or the like, in exposing, denouncing, or deriding vice, folly, etc.

3 Examples of Satire  Satire show. This would mean the show was not good. If someone would ask you how it was you might use sarcasm and say that if you great. People can tell if you are using sarcasm by you tone of voice and you body language.  This is basically being bias. Everyone has their own point of views and you use it in everyday life. You have a different look on things than other people migh t.

4 Examples of Epic  The epic events of the war. This would mean that in the war there were some very heroic events that soldiers preformed that helped us win any war.  It has been a while since I have read an epic poem. This would mean a couple of things. It depends of your point of view. One way you could read this is the epic poem being a heroic poem. Or another way is that it is an impressive poem. It impresses you because it was a great accomplishment or something that really helped out society.

5 Epic  Definition: heroic; majestic; impressively great

6 Questions?  Any questions about either word?

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