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American Soldiers English Soldiers. The Causes of the American revolution 1775 - 1777 The Colonist Adjust To War.

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Presentation on theme: "American Soldiers English Soldiers. The Causes of the American revolution 1775 - 1777 The Colonist Adjust To War."— Presentation transcript:

1 American Soldiers English Soldiers

2 The Causes of the American revolution 1775 - 1777 The Colonist Adjust To War



5 1.Who did the second Continental Congress appoint as commanding general of the Continental army? 2.What did Washington wear to the congressional session to show his availability for command? 3.Who was the only American who could become king? 4.How many hired workers and slave worked at his plantation? 5.What happened to Washington’s army while keeping the British in Boston? 6.Who were the two men who keep the army alive the first 3 years of the war? George Washington Military Uniform George Washington Over 300 Soldiers went home – army was smaller Arnold & Washington


7 7.What was Benedict Arnold’s plan to get cannon (artillery) for the continental forces? 8.Who did Arnold join in the attempt to get the guns? 9.What was the name of Allen’s troops? 10.Why was the fort so easy to capture? 11.Who was made the commander of artillery? Fort Ticonderoga – Canadian Fort Ethan Allen Green Mountain Boys Only one guard – all other soldiers asleep Henry Knox

8 12.What would the British do after seeing the guns on Dorchester Heights? 13.What area did the 13 colonies want to make into the 14 th colony? 14.What city must be defeated for this to work? 15.Who broke trail for Benedict Arnold? 16.How many of Arnold’s forces made it to Canada? 17.What was the key to getting control of Canada? Moved the British army out of Boston Canada Quebec Daniel Morgan Only ½ Quebec


10 18.What happened to Arnold upon entering Quebec? 19.Who won the battle of Quebec? 20.How old was Benjamin Franklin in 1776? 21.What was the Olive Branch petition? 22.What was the king’s response? He was wounded in the leg British 70 Asking for peace with the King He refused to look at or accept it

11 23.Who wrote a pamphlet that was the first call for American Independence? 24.What was the title of Paine’s pamphlet? 25.What did Abigail Adams want from the Declaration of Independence? 26.Who wrote the Declaration of Independence? Thomas Paine Common Sense Rights for women Thomas Jefferson

12 27.Who did Jefferson believed should have written the Declaration of Independence? 28.What change had to be made to the Declaration of Independence before the south would accept it? Benjamin Franklin Leave out the slavery clause

13 Notes - Notebook Declaration of Independence 1.Purpose: The declaration and intent to separate from Great Britain (Declaration of War) 2.Why: Grievances against Great Britain, specifically King George III 3.Appeal: for equality, freedom, and to “the opinions of all mankind”

14 4.Declaration: of opinions, views, ideology, and intent; a type of “Manifesto” 5.Unalienable rights: the rights to which all people are entitled, according to the “laws of nature” and the “Creator” 6.Just powers: the authority of the government over its citizens, derived only from the consent of the governed.

15 7.Tyranny, and despotism: abuses and usurpations by a government of its citizens’ rights 8.Separate and Equal Station: the desirable relationship between “free and independent states.”

16 9.Grievances against the king: A.He suspended the people’s right to legislative representation B.he swayed the system of justice in his favor C.he interfered with free trade and immigration laws. 10.The appeal of the Declaration: emigration and settlement, common kinship, justice

17 11. The British Brethren: refers to the king and those in power in Great Britain.

18 12.Conduct of trade: formation of alliances are the power of the free and independent states. 13.The British monarchy: proved to be a tyranny, and accumulation of power 14.Commerce with other nations: A.Choose who to deal with B.Recognition and right to allies of their own.

19 15.Official: A.Presented to the Continental Congress, June 28, 1776 B.Revisions and editing occurred on July 2, 1776 C.Final version was passed on July 4, 1776. D.56 members signed the embossed version – Separate Nation




23 30.What happened to William Franklin? 31.What happened to the symbols of King George III in the colonies? 32.Why did Washington march his army to New York? 33.Why did Washington want to do about the army? Capture by Patriots and imprisoned Destroyed Key to control the Middle and New England Colonies Standing army of 40,000 men


25 34.What was Washington’s first defeat? 35.How did Washington escape from Long island? 36.What was the world’s first submarine? 37.What was the Turtle’s purpose? Long Island By boat at night Turtle To destroy ships

26 38.Who represented the Second Continental Congress in the peace talks with British General Howe? 39.What two forts did the British conquer? 40.What did Washington lose with the defeat of the forts? 41.What did Thomas Paine write to encourage going on with the revolution? Benjamin Franklin Washington & Lee Cannon & all war /food supplies The American Crisis

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