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 Types of bones  Cortical bone  Cancellous bone  Bone classification  long bones  short bones  flat bones  pneumatic bones  irregular bones sesamoid.

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2  Types of bones  Cortical bone  Cancellous bone  Bone classification  long bones  short bones  flat bones  pneumatic bones  irregular bones sesamoid bones

3  Bone formation  diaphysis  epiphysis  epiphyseal line (growth plate)  Periosteum  Articular Surface  Medullary cavity  Cortex  Red marrow  Yellow marrow

4  Joints (Articulations)  Simple Joint  Compound Joint  Structural Classification  Fibrous joint (synarthroses)  Cartilaginous joint (amphiarthroses)  Synovial joint

5  Bone process  Bone head  Tubercle  Tuberosity  Condyle  Crest  Process  Protuberance  Trochanter  Bone depression  Fossa  Foramen  Fissure  Sinus

6  frontal  parietal  Occipital  Temporal  Zygomatic arch  maxilla  mandible  lacrimal fossa  mental foramen  orbit  external acoustic meatus  paracondylar process  mastoid process  nuchal crest  tympanic bulla  coronoid process

7  Skull Shapes  Brachycephalic  Dolichocephalic  Mesocephalic

8  Vertebrae (spondyl)  Cervical o Atlas (C1) o Axis (C2)  Thoracic  Lumbar  Sacrum  Coccygeal  intervertebral disc  Ribs (costal)  sternum  xiphoid process  clavicle

9  Scapula  Spine of the scapula  Humerus  Radius  Ulna  Olecranon  Carpals  Metacarpals  Phalanges  Sesamoid  Cannon (III metacarpal)  Splint  Long Pastern (P1)  Short Pastern (P2)  Coffin bone (P3)  Navicular

10  femur  tibia  fibula  patella  Tarsal  Metatarsal  Phalange  Sesamoid  Cannon (III metacarpal)  Splint  Long Pastern (P1)  Short Pastern (P2)  Coffin bone (P3)  Navicular

11  Ilium  Acetabulum (hip joint)  Ischium  Pubis  Pelvic symphysis  Obturator foramen

12  oste(o)  Oste/itis  Osteo/dystrophy Osteodystrophy  Osteo/genesis  Osteo/myel/itis  chondr(o)  Chondro/malacia  Chondro/placia  Orth  Physis  Porosis  Osteo/porosisdislocation of the hip  bursa  Burs/itis  reduction  arthritis  Dislocation arthritis in left hip  Sprain

13  Osteogenic Sarcoma  Fracture  Closed (Simple)  Compound (open)  Comminuted

14  Fracture  Greenstick  Compression  Spiral

15  Fracture  Avulsion  Chip  Slab

16  Ankylosing Spondylitis  Navicular Disease  Ring bone

17  Hip Dysplasia  Splint  OCD(osteochondrosis dissecans)

18  Wobbler Syndrome  Intervertebral Disk Disease

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