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By: Lucas Bowman.  They aren’t sure when he was born, but they do know that he was baptized on September 1,1653.  He was born at Nuremberg, Germany.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Lucas Bowman.  They aren’t sure when he was born, but they do know that he was baptized on September 1,1653.  He was born at Nuremberg, Germany."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Lucas Bowman

2  They aren’t sure when he was born, but they do know that he was baptized on September 1,1653.  He was born at Nuremberg, Germany.

3  Pachelbel’s Cannon in D major  Musicalische Ergötzung ("Musical Delight"), 1695  Aria con variazioni in A major

4  It is played during weddings.  Lck Lck  1:42

5  His wife was Barbara Gabler.  Together they had 4 children named; Wilhelm Hieronymus Pachelbel, Charles Theodore Pachelbel, Johann Michael Pachelbel, and Amalia Pachelbel.  His father was Johann (Hans) Pachelbel, and mother was Anna (Anne) Maria Mair.

6  Organist, Georg Caspar Wecker.  Cantor of St. Sebaldus Church, Heinrich Schwemmer.  He was inspired by southern, German composers like Johann Jakob Froberger and Johann Kaspar Kerll.

7  He died on March 3, 1706, in Nuremberg, Germany.  He was 52 years old when he died.

8  Johann Pachelbel. Arien. Herausgegeben von Wolfgang Hirschmann. (Samtliche Vokalwerke, Bd. 11.) Kassel: Barenreiter, c2008. [Contents, p. v; preface in Ger., Eng., p. vii--xvi; ill., facsims., p. xvii--xxxvi; score, p. 3-106; Krit. Bericht, p. 109-22; abbrevs., p. 123. ISMN M-006-55310-5; pub. no. BA 10561. [euro]139.]  pachelbel-530.php pachelbel-530.php 

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