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Kingsport Midtown Choice Neighborhood October 9, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Kingsport Midtown Choice Neighborhood October 9, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kingsport Midtown Choice Neighborhood October 9, 2013

2 AGENDA Welcome & Introductions Kingsport Choice Neighborhood Initiative Focus Group Meetings Neighborhood Framework & Redevelopment Area Next Steps

3 Choice Neighborhood Initiative “Choice Neighborhoods grants transform distressed neighborhoods and public and assisted projects into viable and sustainable mixed- income neighborhoods by linking housing improvements with appropriate services, schools, public assets, transportation, and access to jobs.” KHRA has received a $300,000 Choice Neighborhoods Initiative (CNI) Planning Grant by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) One of 17 grantees across the country GOAL : Develop a comprehensive Transformation Plan to revitalize the target neighborhood planning area.

4 Planning Goals - Develop a TRANSFORMATION PLAN for… HOUSING Energy efficient, mixed- income, one-for-one replacement NEIGHBORHOOD Well-functioning, economically viable, mixed-income neighborhoods PEOPLE Improved health, safety, employment, mobility, and education

5 The City of Kingsport Eastman Chemical Company Domtar Northeast State Community College Kingsport City Schools Holston Valley Medical Center / Wellmont ANCHOR INSTITUTIONS

6 Key Partners and Stakeholders Housing Appalachian Service Project Eastern Eight Community Development Lee Apartments Resident Association Michael Brady Inc. Master Developer (to be determined) People Alliance for Business & Training Big Brothers Big Sisters of East Tennessee Boys and Girls Club of Greater Kingsport Domtar Eastman Chemical Company ET & CS Frontier Health Kingsport Chamber of Commerce Kingsport City Schools Literacy Council of Kingsport Northeast State Community College Rural Health Services Consortium The Sullivan County Department of Human Services Wellmont Health System - Holston Valley Medical Center UETHDA UETHDA - Head Start Kingsport Senior Center Neighborhood Domtar Eastman Chemical Company Kingsport Chamber of Commerce Kingsport Tomorrow Northeast State Community College South Central Kingsport Community Development Inc. United Way of Greater Kingsport The City of Kingsport Development Services – Planning, Community Development Economic Development Fire Metro Transportation Planning/Kingsport Area Transit Service Parks, Recreation & Leisure Police Public Works

7 Kingsport Housing & Redevelopment Authority (KHRA) - Board, Residents & Staff Planning Initiative Lead Urban Collage (UC) Principal Planning Coordinator The Communities Group International (TCGI) Community Planning, Finance & Development Consultant Real Property Research Group Economic Development and Market Analyst Barge Waggoner Sumner & Cannon, Inc. Environmental and Civil Engineer TEAM

8 Pennrose Housing Lead – Development Partner TEAM

9 Jointly, the Focus Groups will design and implement the transformation planning process over the 24 month grant-planning period. Steering Committee will promote consensus. Kingsport Housing & Redevelopment Authority will lead the planning process Kingsport Housing & Redevelopment Authority, City and Anchor Institutions Steering Committee Education Economic Self- Sufficiency Health Safety Transport Seniors Youth Overview: Planning Structure Northeast State Community College will serve as an independent Monitoring and Evaluation entity and will track progress. Stakeholders will provide input, confirm findings, and provide consensus throughout the transformation planning process. Lee Resident Association

10 Kingsport in 1919

11 Physical Context A Center with established assets Bounded by: Kingsport Greenbelt on the north; Center Street, Railroads, and Wilcox Drive on the west and south; Center Street, Wateree Street, Piedmont Drive and Dorothy Street on the east.

12 Physical Context The TARGET Housing

13 1.Research and Data Collection 2.Examine Issues and Needs 3.Develop Sustainable Transformation Strategies and Indicators to Measure Outcomes, and a community Vision and Goals for Housing People Neighborhood 4.Coalesce the Overall Vision and Planned Outcomes by Preparing Action Plans to Achieve the Long- Term Livability Objectives for Housing, People and the Neighborhood 5.Finalize and Document the Transformation Plan I Transformation Planning Process (24 Months)

14 What’s been Accomplished? $300,000 HUD grant Partners identified HUD site visit Feb 14, 2013 Two planning phases: I - Overall Neighborhood II – Target Area Existing Conditions, Demographics and Socio economic data and assets mapped for Midtown Neighborhood Surveys administered Focus Group Meetings May 13-15, 2013 July 23-26, 2013 Sept 11 – 13, 2013 Steering Committee July 26, 2013 Sept 25, 2013 Public Meetings Partner & Community Meeting – Dec 10, 2012 Community Meeting – Feb 14 Workshop 1 – Aug 29 Workshop 2 – Oct 10 Resident Meeting April 24, 2012 Kickoff Meeting – Dec 10, 2012 Monthly


16 FOCUS GROUP UPDATES: CROSS CUTTING STRATEGIES Promote Existing Programs: marketing strategies; websites, newsletters, flyers, texting. Organize underutilized buses/vans such as churches, KHRA, private volunteers Increase availability of affordable childcare

17 FOCUS GROUP UPDATES: ECONOMIC SELF SUFFICIENCY STRATEGIES Resolve lack of affordable child care facilities Develop barter board to exchange services Training programs for entrepreneurs Transportation

18 FOCUS GROUP UPDATES: EDCUATION STRATEGIES Promote existing programs United WE READ programs in neighborhood elementary schools Utilize free on-line resources: Khan Academy Mentors with success stories Use “Title School” resources Transportation

19 FOCUS GROUP UPDATES: HEALTH STRATEGIES Promote existing programs Transportation Utilize “Cooking Matters” Increase size of Health Dept. and include dental Use UT Extension Services Dental student loan- forgiveness for community service commitment

20 FOCUS GROUP UPDATES: SAFETY STRATEGIES Community policing Develop new park patrols Fire ER outreach and education Housing and help for homeless

21 FOCUS GROUP UPDATES: SENIOR STRATEGIES Promote existing programs Transportation Maximize Senior Center use Develop food pantry Master gardeners and community gardens Senior hot line AARP mentor up program

22 FOCUS GROUP UPDATES: TRANSPORTATION STRATEGIES Organize use of underutilized vehicles Use “Ways to Work” program Reduce senior and veteran fares Bike share program and bike center Ambassador programs for walking with children

23 FOCUS GROUP UPDATES: YOUTH STRATEGIES Promote existing programs Transportation Promote “Young Life” programs for 15 to 24 years Increase job training programs for 18 to 24 years Develop cultural activities on site


25 Social Context: Demographics Population in 2010 – 4399 (1.73% increase from 2000) Housing Units in 2010 – 2308 (1.3% increase since 2000)

26 Attributes: Land Use

27 Attributes: Residential Neighborhood Districts Roller Street District Cherokee Village Church Circle Residential District Gibson Mill District Watauga Street District North Center Street District Sullivan-Center District Frank Cloud Apartments Park Hill Historic District White City Historic District

28 Neighborhood Framework: Development

29 Target Redevelopment Area

30 NEXT STEPS Workshop #2 Finalize Framework and Target Area Conceptual Development Plan for Target Area Develop Focus Group Strategies


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