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Organelles in Cytoplasm: Ribosome Ribosomes –Small particles of _________ & ___________ –Make __________ following coded instructions from __________.

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Presentation on theme: "Organelles in Cytoplasm: Ribosome Ribosomes –Small particles of _________ & ___________ –Make __________ following coded instructions from __________."— Presentation transcript:

1 Organelles in Cytoplasm: Ribosome Ribosomes –Small particles of _________ & ___________ –Make __________ following coded instructions from __________

2 Endoplasmic Reticulum Internal membrane that assembles parts of cell membrane & modifies some proteins Rough ER- ___________ ______________ –_______________ on surface make proteins –Proteins enter & get modified Smooth ER – –No ________________ = smooth

3 Golgi Apparatus Function- – Like a factory. Proteins came from Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum –Enzymes attach _________________ & ____________

4 Vacuoles & Lysosomes Vacuoles –saclike structures used for ___________ –plant cells have large central vacuole –Vesicles- Lysosomes –Small organelles filled with ________________ –breaks things down, "suicide sac”

5 Mitochondria in nearly all __________________ cells –Plants & animals Turns food into ____________ _________ (ATP) Structure – –Inner membrane ___________

6 Chloroplast In plants & other organisms –Not animals & fungi Function: photosynthesis Structure –Bound by 2 envelope membranes –Stacks of photosynthetic membranes chlorophyll

7 Organelle DNA Mitochondria & Chloroplasts contain some of their own DNA –Essential for normal function Theory- descendents of ancient prokaryotes –Formed relationship with eukaryotic cells –Mitochondrial DNA remnant of prokaryotic bacteria All or nearly all, Mitochondrial DNA inherited from ovum (egg)– used for DNA tests

8 Comparing Cells ProkaryotesEukaryotes

9 Plant cell Animal cell Comparing Cells

10 Plant Cell

11 Animal Cell

12 7-3 Movement Through the Membrane

13 Cell Membrane Cell membrane- __________ what _________ & _______ cell = Boundary!! –Takes in ______ & ________ –Eliminates waste from cell

14 Cell Membrane (cont) Lipid bilayer- –Gives cell tough, flexible structure Lipids= ________________ –Hydrophobic tails= –Hydrophillic heads=

15 Cell membrane (cont) Formation of lipid bilayer- phospholipids dissolve in water –hydrophilic “water loving” heads face _________ (outside cell) and ____________ (within cell) –Hydrophobic “water hating” tails face ___________________** * This creates the “bilayer “

16 Phospholids & Lipid Bilayer torial/cellmembranes/orient2.swf

17 Inside of cell (cytoplasm) Outside of cell Cell membrane Proteins Protein channel Lipid bilayer Carbohydrate chains Cell Membrane

18 Fluid Mosaic Model

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