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1 More images at

2  What cell line?  “fluffy,” “brushed”= erythropoietic cell line  “dots”, “ink blobs”= granulocitic cell line  A blast is a blast, no matter what cell line  Reticulocyte versus Erythrocyte

3 PRONORMOBLASTFEATURES  A blast is a blast, don’t worry about the type  Mitotic

4 BASOPHILIC NORMOBLASTFEATURES  Coarser nucleus  Mitotic  Blue cytoplasm, from what?  No Granules!  2-3X larger than surrounding RBCs

5 POLYCHROMATIC NORMOBLAST FEATURES  Slightly larger than RBCs  Mitotic  “checker board”  No Granules!

6 ORTHOCHROMATIC NORMOBLAST FEATURES  Same size as surrounging RBCs  NOT Mitotic  “pyknotic nucleus”  “eccentrically placed” just a buzz word  Reddish purple cytoplasm. Why?  No Granules

7 RETICULOCYTEFEATURES  No nucleus  NOT Mitotic  Contains “granulofilamentous material” what kind?  Residual RNA and mitochondria in cytoplasm  Where does development continue?

8 MYELOBLASTFEATURES  Non-granular cytoplasm  Mitotic  Unipotent  2-3X larger than surrounding RBCs  A blast is a blast

9 PROMYELOCYTEFEATURES  Primary Granules, “azurphilic”  Mitotic  Granules, but no dawn of neutrophilia

10 NEUTROPHILIC MYELOCYTE FEATURES  Nucleus is round, slightly indented  “Dawn of Neutrophilia”  Secondary granules (primary granules still there) “specific granules”  mitotic

11 NEUTROPHILIC METAMYELOCYTE FEATURES  Indented nucleus (“kidney bean shaped”)  Neutrophilic (specific, secondary)> azurphilic (non-specific, primary)

12 NEUTROPHILIC BANDFEATURES  Indented nucleus  “horseshoe shaped”  Neutrophilic (specific) granules  Can be found in circulation

13 NEUTROPHIL (SEGMENTED, PMNL) FEATURES  2-4 lobed, thin link of what?  Neutrophilic granules>>azurphilic granules




17  …it is tough to miss  What cell did this come from, what is it and what comes from this cell?  Location?

18  Define Hct. Nl. values?  Romanovsky stain- other name, use  A cell is stained and said to be almost totally basophilic with a little acidophilia in the nucleus.  What is the charge on the dye staining the majority of the cell?  What about the dye staining the acidophilic parts of the nucleus?



21  T-cell versus B-cell, which is more prevalent in peripherial circulation?  How would you tell?  What is a “left shift?”


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