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Week 4a - Cells Prokaryotic vs Eukaryotic Cells Membrane Structure Endomembrane System –Nucleus –ER –Golgi –Lysosome and Vacuoles Mitochondria and Chloroplast.

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Presentation on theme: "Week 4a - Cells Prokaryotic vs Eukaryotic Cells Membrane Structure Endomembrane System –Nucleus –ER –Golgi –Lysosome and Vacuoles Mitochondria and Chloroplast."— Presentation transcript:

1 Week 4a - Cells Prokaryotic vs Eukaryotic Cells Membrane Structure Endomembrane System –Nucleus –ER –Golgi –Lysosome and Vacuoles Mitochondria and Chloroplast Cytoskeleton

2 Scale of Tissue, Cells, Organelles, Atoms Molecular Biology of the Cell, 4 th Ed.

3 Traits Common to all cells Plasma membrane encloses cell –Cytoplasm: the compartment within the plasma membrane Four major classes of Biomolecules DNA as genetic material with same genetic code Ribosomes synthesize proteins Energy and Nutrients from environment

4 Prokaryotic Vs Eukaryotic Cells Prokaryotes No Nucleus Lacks membrane bound organelles Typically 1-10μM Circular DNA Genome Eukaryotes Membrane Bond Nucleus Numerous Membrane Bond Organelles Typically 10-100 μM Linear DNA chromosomes Both possess plasma membranes, ribosomes, all four classes of macromolecules, have DNA as genetic material and use the same genetic code.

5 Prokaryotes 1.Small 2.Plasma Membrane 3.Cytoplasm 4.Ribosomes 5.Nucleoid Region 6.Many have 1.Cell Wall 2.Flagella

6 Eukaryotic Cells

7 Fluid Mosaic Model of Membranes (a) Phospholipid bilayer of membrane (b) Fluid mosaic model of membrane Outside of cell Hydrophilic head Hydrophobic tail Hydrophilic region of protein Hydrophilic head Hydrophobic tail Hydrophobic regions of protein Phospholipid bilayer Phospholipid Proteins Cytoplasm (inside of cell)

8 Endomembrane System

9 Nucleus

10 Figure 4.12-3 Synthesis of mRNA in the nucleus Nucleus DNA mRNA Cytoplasm mRNA Movement of mRNA into cytoplasm via nuclear pore Ribosome Protein Synthesis of protein in the cytoplasm 1 2 3

11 Ribosomes

12 Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)

13 Golgi

14 Lysosome

15 Vacuoles

16 Mitochondria and Chloroplast (Not part of Endomembrane System)

17 Endosymbiotic Theory Photosynthetic eukaryotic cell Photosynthetic prokaryote Aerobic heterotrophic prokaryote Endosymbiosis Mitochondrion Chloroplast

18 Figure 4.21 (a) Microtubules in the cytoskeleton (b) Microtubules and movement LM Cytoskeleton

19 Flagellum and Cilia

20 Animal vs. Plant Animal Cells Lysosome Centriole Plant Cells Chloroplast Central Vacuole Cell Wall Both have Nucleus, Ribosomes, ER, Golgi, Mitochondria, Cytoskeleton,

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