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Glucose C 6 H 12 O 6 Step 1: Glycolysis Where? In cytoplasm What happens? A) Glucose (from our food) is broken down into 2 pyruvate (2 - 3 carbon molecules)

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3 Glucose C 6 H 12 O 6 Step 1: Glycolysis Where? In cytoplasm What happens? A) Glucose (from our food) is broken down into 2 pyruvate (2 - 3 carbon molecules) B) 2 ATP molecules released for cellular processes C C C ATP Mitochondrion En- zyme C C C

4 What’s after Glycolysis? Glycolysis –Creates: 2 ATP & 2 Pyruvate (2 - 3 carbon molecules) –Leads to either: 1)Aerobic Respiration With oxygen present Kreb’s Cycle Electron transport chain 2)Anaerobic Respiration Without oxygen Fermentation Allows glycolysis to restart O2 No O 2 glycolysis fermentation ATP

5 Step 2: Fermentation Two Types of Fermentation (both anaerobic): A) Lactic Acid fermentation –Performed by animals when muscle cells are not receiving O 2 –Lactic acid waste created B) Alcoholic fermentation –Performed by yeast, some plants, bacteria –Alcohol and CO 2 waste created During prolonged exercise, the oxygen you inhale mainly goes to your brain. Your muscles are now lacking oxygen. Muscle cells perform fermentation to keep you going! How to relieve sore muscles: 1)Massage 2)Bananas 3)Stretch after 4)Hydrate Yeast perform alcoholic fermentation to make bread. Why isn’t bread alcoholic? Alcohol evaporates in the baking process

6 Lactic Acid vs. Alcoholic Fermentation Lactic Acid Location: Cytoplasm Amount of ATP created: Zero The Point? Make molecules to restart glycolysis Waste: Lactic acid Alcoholic Location: Cytoplasm Amount of ATP created: Zero The Point? Make molecules to restart glycolysis Waste: Alcohol and CO 2 glycolysis Lactic acid fermentation Alcoholic fermentation Lactic acid Alcohol + CO 2

7 Glycolysis Where? In the cytoplasm What happens? Glucose is split into 2 Pyruvate (2 - 3 carbon molecules) 2 ATP created Fermentation Where? In the cytoplasm What happens? Pyruvate (2 - 3 carbon molecules) are broken into either lactic acid or alcohol Molecules to restart glycolysis created (No ATP) Aerobic Respiration Where? In the mitochondria Steps? Kreb’s cycle and electron transport chain What happens? 2 Pyruvate (2 - 3 carbon molecules) create up to 36 ATPs With oxygen present If oxygen is lacking Glycolysis restarts

8 Public Service Announcement: Proper Use of Alcohol

9 The Maple Center Counseling Safe Rides are available on Friday and Saturday nights from 10:00 pm to 2:00 am for teens living in Beverly Hills. High school students can call for a free ride home when they are under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol. When the teenager calls the Safe Ride number, the TMCC counselor assigned to the 24-hour HELP-LINE arranges for that teen to be picked up by the Beverly Hills Cab Company and taken home. Services are confidential. Call (888) 654-3211 for a free ride home.

10 Review 1)Name the two types of fermentation. 2)How much ATP does glycolysis create? 3)How much ATP does fermentation create? 4)Which molecule is broken down during glycolysis? 5)A buildup of which molecule causes sore muscles? 6)Which waste molecules are created by alcoholic fermentation? 7)Which waste molecules are created by lactic acid fermentation? 8)Is fermentation aerobic or anaerobic? What does this mean? 9)Why is aerobic respiration preferred vs. fermentation?

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