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PrefixesLatin Prefixes Greek Prefixes SuffixesWhat’s it mean?? 10 20 30 40 50.

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Presentation on theme: "PrefixesLatin Prefixes Greek Prefixes SuffixesWhat’s it mean?? 10 20 30 40 50."— Presentation transcript:

1 PrefixesLatin Prefixes Greek Prefixes SuffixesWhat’s it mean?? 10 20 30 40 50

2 This Latin prefix means two

3 Bi means two BACK TO MAIN bicycle

4 This prefix means undo/remove

5 De means undo/remove BACK TO MAIN defrost/deflate

6 This prefix means away/apart/not

7 Dis means away/apart/not BACK TO MAIN disappear

8 This prefix means out

9 Ex means out BACK TO MAIN exhale

10 This prefix means wrongly/badly

11 Mis means wrongly/badly BACK TO MAIN misspell

12 This prefix means before

13 Pre means before BACK TO MAIN precook

14 This Latin prefix means bad

15 Mal means bad BACK TO MAIN malfunction

16 This Latin prefix means one

17 Uni means one BACK TO MAIN uniform

18 This Latin prefix means across/over

19 Trans means across/over BACK TO MAIN transport

20 This Latin prefix means end

21 Fin means end BACK TO MAIN finish

22 This Greek prefix means self

23 Auto means self BACK TO MAIN autobiography

24 This Greek prefix means life

25 Bio means life BACK TO MAIN biography

26 This Greek prefix means small

27 Micro means small BACK TO MAIN microscope

28 This Greek prefix means together

29 Syn/Sym means together BACK TO MAIN synonym

30 This Greek prefix means far/distant

31 Tele means far/distant BACK TO MAIN telephone

32 This suffix means fact or state

33 ance/ence means fact or state BACK TO MAIN resemblance

34 This suffix means action or state

35 ation/ition means action or state BACK TO MAIN

36 This suffix means condition or state

37 hood or ness means condition or state BACK TO MAIN manhood

38 This suffix means full of or having

39 ous or ious means full of or having BACK TO MAIN gracious

40 This suffix means able to or able to be

41 able or ible means able to or able to be BACK TO MAIN lovable

42 Adding this prefix would create a word that would mean to remove frost frost

43 de defrost BACK TO MAIN

44 Adding this prefix would create a word that would mean to breathe out hale

45 ex exhale BACK TO MAIN

46 Adding this Latin prefix would create a word that would mean to function badly function

47 mal malfunction BACK TO MAIN

48 Adding this Greek prefix would create a word that would mean a life story graphy

49 bio biography BACK TO MAIN

50 Adding this suffix would create a word that would mean the state of being determined determin

51 ation determination BACK TO MAIN

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