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RCC: update July 2002 D. Vaulot and F. Le Gall Station Biologique de Roscoff CNRS and Université Paris 6, France.

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Presentation on theme: "RCC: update July 2002 D. Vaulot and F. Le Gall Station Biologique de Roscoff CNRS and Université Paris 6, France."— Presentation transcript:

1 RCC: update July 2002 D. Vaulot and F. Le Gall Station Biologique de Roscoff CNRS and Université Paris 6, France

2 Total number of strains: 490 ClassCount Bicosoecid3 Bolidophyceae18 Chlorarachniophyceae3 Chlorophyceae12 Chrysophyceae3 Cryptophyceae4 Cyanophyceae151 Diatomophyceae18 Dictyochophyceae16 Dinophyceae9 Eustigmatophyceae4 Fucophyceae1 Pavlophyceae3 Pelagophyceae15 Prasinophyceae84 Prymnesiophyceae34 Rhodophyceae1 Telonema3 Trebouxiophyceae31 Unknown77

3 Strains isolated from PROSOPE cruise (Med Sea)

4 Number of strains isolated from Roscoff: 63 ClassCount Unknown13 Prasinophyceae23 Prymnesiophyceae9 Diatomophyceae6 Cyanophyceae5 Telonema3 Dictyochophyceae2 Pelagophyceae1 Eustigmatophyceae1

5 Comparison with FISH data F. Not et al. unpublished English Channel cultures

6 Prasinophyceae cultures

7 Ostreococcus

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