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Roscoff Culture Collection Souchothèque de Bretagne Station Biologique de Roscoff Scientist in charge: D. Vaulot (DR1 CNRS) Curator: Florence Le Gall (AI.

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Presentation on theme: "Roscoff Culture Collection Souchothèque de Bretagne Station Biologique de Roscoff Scientist in charge: D. Vaulot (DR1 CNRS) Curator: Florence Le Gall (AI."— Presentation transcript:

1 Roscoff Culture Collection Souchothèque de Bretagne Station Biologique de Roscoff Scientist in charge: D. Vaulot (DR1 CNRS) Curator: Florence Le Gall (AI CNRS)

2 Number of unique strains : 516 Backup cultures not taken into account

3 Culture characterization

4 Planning for coming months TEM on heterotrophic flagellates from Blanes priority to the smallest ones Purify cultures which contain contaminants such as heterotrophic flagellates Purification on plate (0,3% agar) Serial dilutions (1 cell/tube) Coccoids Flagellates Continue to sequence 18S rDNA RCC strains Indian Ocean cruise planned in may 2003: Screening of precultures Isolation of new strains

5 Marine bacteria (hyperthermophiles) LMBE (IFREMER) G. Barbier Centralized data base accessible through web Fungi and bacteria related to food science ESMISAB (UBO) Y. Tirilly Picoplankton SBR (CNRS, UPMC) D. Vaulot Marine bacteria (hyperthermophiles) LMM (UBO) D. Prieur - coordinator 4000 à 5000 strains Diatoms ISOMER (U Nantes) J.M. Robert Microalgae of economical interest IFREMER (A. Muller-Feuga) Microalgae (Coccoilthophorids..) Algobank (U Caen) C. Billard Microalgae ENS Paris J.Houmard

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