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Collaborating with competitors. INTRODUCTION Alliance among competitors have risk One study estimate that U.S. company lost $50 billion a year in 1995.

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Presentation on theme: "Collaborating with competitors. INTRODUCTION Alliance among competitors have risk One study estimate that U.S. company lost $50 billion a year in 1995."— Presentation transcript:

1 Collaborating with competitors

2 INTRODUCTION Alliance among competitors have risk One study estimate that U.S. company lost $50 billion a year in 1995 However alliances among competition are more popular, estimated 10-30 % of alliances in 2000

3 INTRODUCTION He give a new term to describe the process of collaborating with competitor “co-opetition” Ray Noorda, CEO of Novell

4 Example of alliances involving co-operation Ten years research program to reinvent the modern camera

5 Example of alliances involving co-operation To sell their food products Online

6 Online Service Database Business To gain greater scale The automotive business to business exchange

7 Why Co- opetition is important 1. The rise of the Internet and the concomitant need for competitors to define and expand new market 2. The blurring of industry boundaries

8 Not all Co-opetitions are success Success Because  They can manage the balance between co- operation and conflict Fail Because  Lack awareness of cause and challenges of co-opetition

9 Drivers of Co-opetition Competitor VS Non Competitior The degree of competitive threat in order to set strategy

10 Motivation for collaboration among rival  Setting standard: Shift from heavy to high technology industry  Sharing risk : Developing ne innovation such as biotechnologies  Entering emerging market : New Customer and Low cost production Traditional Reason

11 Motivation for collaboration among rival  Expanding Product Line  Reducing Cost New Reason in 1990

12 Motivation for collaboration among rival  Gaining Market share  Creating new business

13 Managing the Risks of Co-opetition  5 important risks - Technology leakage - Telegraphing Strategic Intention - Customer Defection - Slow Decision Making - Business or Asset Fire Sale

14 Schwinn & Giant

15 Risk 1: Technology Leakage  Occurs when a partner use alliance to acquire certain know-how, which is then use against you later

16 Solutions  Controlling information  Contact  Rules and policy

17 Risk 2 Telegraphing Strategic Intention  The risk is when your competitor knows your strategic plans  The direct transfer of information to partner

18 Solution  Managing the information for example, 1. Developing guideline for sharing information 2. Teach the manager what information is strategic

19 Risk 3 Customer Defection  The competitor may get into contact with your customer.  Partner might increase its brand awareness, customer understanding and direct personal relationship to steal customer away.

20 Solution  Never give full contact of customer to partner  Allow partner to access to customer only when selling jointly product

21 Risk 4: Slow Decision Making

22 Solution  They should make the agreement on who are responsible in which area  Focus on basic of decision making identify the most important decision that define which decision maker will participate in those decision

23 Risk 5 Business or asset fire sale  create the risk of a fire sale  firm will be force to sell its interest in the alliance at a below market price.  After they separate then the third party will be much less in the asset once they tied up the joint venture

24 Solution  Favor the independent joint venture structure, which will reduce cost and increase the interest of other buyer  Avoid Joint venture

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