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Alexander's Youth Aim: to understand the nature of Alexander’s upbringing and the various influences on his character. Warning! Content quiz coming up.

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Presentation on theme: "Alexander's Youth Aim: to understand the nature of Alexander’s upbringing and the various influences on his character. Warning! Content quiz coming up."— Presentation transcript:

1 Alexander's Youth Aim: to understand the nature of Alexander’s upbringing and the various influences on his character. Warning! Content quiz coming up.

2 1)Where was Alexander born? (city) 2)Where in Greece is Macedonia (N,S,E,W etc) 3)Who are the 2 main authors we study? 4)Who wrote ‘a biography’ 5)Who wrote a ‘History’ 6)What happened to most Macedonian Kings? 7)Who was the Historic rival/ enemy of Greece? 8)Why was Macedonia not that influential in Greek affairs? 9)Who was Alexander’s mother? 10) What was a Sarissa? 11) Name 2 ways Philip dealt with rival states. 12) What was the ‘League of Cornith? 13) Where would the ‘Shield Bearers’ be positioned? 14) What was the standard infantry unit (group)called. 15) Who was Alexander descended from on his fathers side? 16) What animal did Philip imagine on the seal? 17) What was Olympias seen sleeping next to?

3 1)Pella 2)North 3)Plutarch, Arrian 4)Plutarch 5)Arrian 6)Assassinated 7)Persia 8)Chaotic and seen as ‘barbarian’ 9)Olympias 10) 18ft Pike 11) Marriage & war. 12) Gave Philip control over all Greece’s Armies 13) To the right of the Foot companions to protect the exposed side. 14) Phalanx 15) Heracles 16) A Lion 17) A Snake Swap books and mark in Green pen

4 Alexander’s Youth Alexander grew up in the Macedonian Court. Little/ no detail about siblings (if any) Although he was heir to the throne he was encouraged to ‘mix’ with others his own age.

5 Task 1 In pairs (read, highlight, annotate) Greens read 4-5.5, Blues 7-8 Look for evidence of Alexander’s Character. Relations with his father. Relations with others (who in particular) Any other interesting points.

6 Review Can you summarise Alexander as a youth in 1-2 sentences?

7 Time to share From your pairs, move into your 4’s (1 st & 3 rd rows turn around). Compare your findings to fill in the chart. You need to give SPECIFIC examples and details to back up any points you make (e.g. Alexander’s interest in Homer or his attitude to a running race).

8 Plenary What kind of child do you think Alexander was? Write a short description. You may want to use some of the following… ‘Strutting and arrogant’, Difficult relationship with parents, Lover of books/ reading, Bright and intelligent, Stubborn, Good host, Inquisitive, Born to do great things.

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