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Conditions/Assumptions for Bernoulli Five conditions A) B) C) D) E)

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Presentation on theme: "Conditions/Assumptions for Bernoulli Five conditions A) B) C) D) E)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Conditions/Assumptions for Bernoulli Five conditions A) B) C) D) E)

2 Solution for Bernoulli Assumptions A.Steady state B.No friction C.No work D.Same streamlines E.Newtonian fluid

3 Boat Pitot Tube Problem The speed of a boat is measured by a Pitot tube, as shown below. When traveling in sea water, the tube measures a pressure of 2.5 lb f /in 2. Given the density of sea water is 64 lb m /in 3. Derive the mathematical relationship to show how the velocity of the boat relates to “L”. What is the velocity of the boat in this problem (ft/sec)? L d

4 Solution – Boat Pitot Tube

5 Velocity of fluid on a moving sheet y x u

6 Solution for Moving Sheet Problem

7 Navier Stoke Solution Method Make Good Assumptions Write Down Navier Stokes and simplify Integrate the equations Find the boundary conditions

8 Easy Boundary Conditions The fluid at the surface whether it’s a pipe or plate will move at the velocity of the surface. No Slip Condition (usually 0 because surfaces are generally stationary) The fluid in the middle of the pipe moves the fastest thus dv=0 because it’s the maximum

9 Navier Stoke Assumptions Steady State Constant Density and Viscosity Entrance effects are neglected thus only 1D motion No slip condition

10 Velocity Problem A tank containing acetone at 20°C has a drain pipe connected vertically at the bottom. The pipe is made of galvanized iron, 0.5 in NPS Schedule 40 with length L= 2m. The acetone depth in the tank is H= 5 m. Calculate the velocity and flow rate of acetone at the exit. Remember there is a pipe entrance as a “fitting” in this problem

11 Solution Find Viscosity using eq 1.17 because of a non standard temperature Assumptions P1=P2 thus deltaP=0 Z1=5+2 and z2=0 Standard energy equation simplifies to Gz1=u2^2/2+F F=2*ff*um^2*L/D+2*ff*um^2(25) 25 value comes from pipe fitting

12 Solution Cont Assume a Reynolds in order to calculate ff using charts Find ff values to find velocity Use velocity for new Reynolds. Iterate Answer: 4.53m/s

13 Momentum Balance

14 Solution Law of Continuity Q1=Q2 thus A1=A2 Sum of Forces=Momentum Y direction first to find the mass Fy-W=change in momentum W=98 so m=10 Answer: 10 kg

15 One more Momentum

16 Solutions Fx=-25.8kN Fz=-3522N Momentum Balance Fx+PinAin+PoutAout*cos(45)=- pAoutUout^2*cos45-pAinUin^2 Fz-Welbow-Wh20+PoutAout*sin45=- pAoutUout^2*sin(45)

17 Laminar Problem The distribution of velocity, u, in metres/sec with radius r in metres in a smooth bore tube of 0.025 m bore follows the law, u = 2.5 - kr 2. Where k is a constant. The flow is laminar and the velocity at the pipe surface is zero. The fluid has a coefficient of viscosity of 0.00027 kg/m s. Determine (a) the rate of flow in m 3 /s (b) the shearing force between the fluid and the pipe wall per metre length of pipe.

18 Answers [6.14x10 -4 m 3 /s, 8.49x10 -3 N] Steps Find K through boundary equation at r=.0125 velocity is 0 solve for k Dq=v*da DQ=(2.5-16000r^2)*2pi*rdr from 0 to.0125

19 Shear Force Calc Newton’s law of viscosity F=tau(2pir) Tau=viscosity*du/dr Du/dr=-32000r F=-.00027*32000*.0125*2pir F=8.48E-3 N

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