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How to get your money! Filling out the Child Care Assistance Billing Report Form Funding for the Child Care Assistance Program is from the State of Alaska,

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Presentation on theme: "How to get your money! Filling out the Child Care Assistance Billing Report Form Funding for the Child Care Assistance Program is from the State of Alaska,"— Presentation transcript:


2 How to get your money! Filling out the Child Care Assistance Billing Report Form Funding for the Child Care Assistance Program is from the State of Alaska, Department of Health and Social Services, Division of Public Assistance, Child Care Program

3 The intent of this slide show This slide show is designed to be used as a presentation in conjunction with a teleconference. Periodically we organize web training and somebody from the CCAP staff in Juneau can narrate and answer questions. If you are here outside of an organized presentation, feel free to wander thru the slides. If you have any questions, call the CCAP Local Administrator at Catholic Community Service, 463-6124.

4 I’ve been a provider for years… Why do I need to review this stuff? You can get paid quicker if your billing is correct. Billing report forms that are error free get processed faster. Those that require a letter, a phone call or other follow-up take longer. (See a pattern here?) There are a few common errors on billings that delay many payments each month. Get paid quicker; review the instructions with us in this quick and painless slideshow!

5 Let’s take a Walk Through the Billing Report Form (BRF)

6 Two sides to everything… The front of the BRF has several boxes. Those on the left belong to the provider. The provider fills out the left side and signs the bottom of the left side.

7 Provider Side 

8 The Child Care Assistance Program fills out the right side and signs the right side. It’s against the rules for us to write on your side and vice versa.

9 CCAP Side

10 CCAP staff can’t legally change items above your signature. We can’t add totals, fill in attendance or even add ICCIS or vendor numbers for you. We can only do that on “our” side of the form. (We like our providers but don’t want to go to jail to do them a favor.) Similarly, providers are asked not to write in the “CCAP Only” side. This side is filled in by staff and signed by staff.

11 To start filling in the form: Check “initial” or “amended” billing; Check the kind of provider you are; Fill in the month and year; Fill in your ICCIS and PNV numbers.

12 This address block is where you want your corrected BRF sent to—your mailing address. This is not the way to change your address, however. Let’s break it down!

13 Include child (C) and parent (P) names, your rates as published in ICCIS and the total you charged the parent. If you don’t know the co-pay, bill us anyway but there must be a total charge. In this case the total charged to the parent is $513.00. We’ll subtract the co-pay and pay the provider based upon the lower of the provider charge or the state rate. Remember: We have to return the form to you unprocessed if you use correction fluid or if no “total” is included. We’d rather pay quickly as soon as we get your form.

14 Block 11 is where you tell us about special circumstances: Child was full-time during school break, child gets AK-IN for special needs, parent was charged this year’s registration fee, whatever. Remember, if a child is on FT enrollment and attends more than 6 days in a row, you can often bill over the FT rate for that extra day. Put down the child’s actual attendance and we’ll pay as much as we are allowed to pay.

15 Box 12 is where you certify the information by signing and dating the form. Forgetting to sign is an unfortunate disruption to cash flow but it happens to some providers every month.

16 This is a completed form. Things to pay attention to: The attendance should reflect “F” or “P” for full-time or part-time days. The total charged to the parent needs to be included.

17 This is where we determine the lower of the two rates (provider or state), add extras like AK-IN or supplementals over the original authorization, pay what we’re allowed to pay and note to the provider what we did. If you ever have any questions about what we do here, call 463-6124 or our toll-free number and ask for an explanation.

18 We will circle “Attendance” or “Enrollment” as appropriate. Most times, when a child is on an attendance authorization but attends 17 or more days, the child is paid for at the enrollment rate. We will circle “P” for part time and “F” for full-time. This could be attendance or enrollment, for a number of days for the entire month. We may also circle “H” for hours paid. The Subsidy Amount should correspond to the amount on the warrant you receive for this child. It is after the co-pay is subtracted and any other amounts such as registration fees or special needs are added in.

19 You’ll get a copy of this form back showing what amount we paid and how we determined that amount. If we circle “provider”, we have determined that your charge is lower than the state rate. If we circle “State”, we have determined that the state rate is lower. Make sure this corresponds to your understanding. Sometimes providers raise their rates when they get licensed and don’t file new “Rates and Responsibilities” forms with our program. That form is what changes the rates we pay. Make sure to keep us informed about your rates!

20 STATE OF ALASKA CHILD CARE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM BILLING REPORT INSTRUCTIONS CC19 06-3929 (Rev. 7/2006) Please complete this form in ink. If you make a mistake cross it out with a single line, put the correct figure neatly above it, and initial the correction. Do not use correction fluid or erase on this form. 1. Check the box to indicate whether this is the Initial Billing Report or an Amended Billing Report. 2. Write in the month and year services were provided. 3. Write in: the owner/provider’s name and the facility's name as it appears on the Alaska Business License, mailing address, city, zip and phone number. 4. Indicate whether this facility is a Licensed Center; Licensed Group Home, Licensed Home, Approved Provider or an Approved Relative. 5. Write the ICCIS number and PVN number. Your local child care assistance office will give you the number. Continued A review of the instructions: The back of each BRF has these instructions printed on them.

21 6. Enter the child's full name, last name first at "C"; enter the parent's full name, last name first, at "P". 7. Circle one: I, T, P, or S to indicate Infant (birth thru 18 mo.), Toddler (19 mo. thru 36 mo.), Preschool (37 mo. thru 6 yrs.) or School Age (7 yrs. thru 12 yrs.). 8. Enter provider rates for the care being billed and enter the total charge in the TOTAL column. Rates entered here must be on the provider rate sheet. Do not use this billing report for any charges outside of what is authorized. 9. Enter the family’s contribution (co-pay) from the authorization. 10. FOR ALL AUTHORIZATIONS. In the boxes below the child's name, enter a "P" (part-time is up to and including 5 hours of care) or an "F'” (full-time is over 5 hours of care) for each day the child attended the facility. Only enter attendance for eligible periods that are authorized. You must bill the parent separately for attendance not authorized. If the provider and the State are using different units because of different rates, enter the type of units needed in order for each rate to be calculated. If care is provided on a holiday, indicate “P” or “F” for units of care. 11. Note in this section: Alaska-In Supplemental and if an unscheduled closure occurred. 12. In signing, the provider certifies that all information is true and correct and that parents have paid or made arrangements to pay the full amount owed. If the parent has not paid, a copy of a financial agreement must be on file with the local child care assistance office, or the provider must notify the local child care assistance office that the parent has not paid. In signing, the provider understands that from July through April, this form must be submitted within 90 days after the last day of the month child care services were provided or payment will be denied. For months May and June, this form must be submitted no later than July 31 st or payment will be denied. (7 AAC 41.250 Billing statements; payment.) 13. Enter the page number and total number of pages on each page of the billing report. Instructions (continued)

22 In Summary…

23 Avoid these Common Billing Report Form Errors: You can get paid quicker if your billing is correct. The billing report form (BRF) has a set of instructions on the back. Billing report forms that are error free get processed quicker. Those that require a letter, a phone call or other follow-up take longer. The most common error on the forms is that no total dollar amount is included in box eight. The billing can not be processed without this information. The second most common error is that attendance is not reported correctly. Review rule 10 for how to report attendance. The third most common error is that folks try to fill out the spaces on the far right of the form (Where it says “CCAP use only”—that’s us). Our service standard is to process billings by the end of the following business day after receipt. The forms that are error free move thru the system more quickly than that. –Get paid quicker; review the instructions!

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