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Yr 11 Mock Revision List Uses of different software packages DTP software Data, information and knowledge Bluetooth, GIS and Internet Connections Online.

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Presentation on theme: "Yr 11 Mock Revision List Uses of different software packages DTP software Data, information and knowledge Bluetooth, GIS and Internet Connections Online."— Presentation transcript:

1 Yr 11 Mock Revision List Uses of different software packages DTP software Data, information and knowledge Bluetooth, GIS and Internet Connections Online Shopping Email – cc, bcc, attachments] Spreadsheets – formulae Data Logging and control Input devices for specific users Databases – incl. queries, GIGO, advantages Electronic registration methods Online Bookings Revision Websites: http://www.teach-ict.com (go to KS4  GCSE ICT)

2 DTP Software Desktop Publishing Software e.g. Publisher What is it used for? – Posters, flyers, leaflets What are the features of DTP? – Templates, word art, headers/footers, borders, graphics What are the advantages? – High quality, professional looking publications; ready made templates; easily edit the layout; colour schemes are available

3 Data and Information Data consists of raw facts and figures E.g. 17, 17, 18, 20, 20, 21, 22, 22, 23 No apparent meaning BUT if told these are degrees centigrade, then the data becomes INFORMATION Data given understanding is knowledge Data + Meaning = Information

4 Bluetooth Wireless technology that allows devices to share files e.g. music, videos, pictures Connect phones to phones, to head sets, to speakers etc… ONLY small distances (personal area network) up to 10 meters NOT to connect to the internet!

5 GIS – Geographical Information Systems Uses a combination of hardware, software and data to manage, analyse and display all kinds of geographical data E.g. maps, charts, reports THINK ABOUT maps and location services on phones What are the advantages? What are the disadvantages?

6 Internet Connections – Dial Up Dial up – using telephone system to connect to the internet. Required modem which made sure digital signals from computers were compatible with those of telephone lines ADVANTAGES: most residential phone lines are capable of supporting dial up so can be in areas where broadband is unavailable; Also, users can dial up from different locations DISADVANTAGES: Slow download speeds; blocks phone line while using the internet; practically impossible to watch videos or download music

7 Internet Connections - Broadband Includes ISDN and ADSL Uses digital signals so no need for a modem Fast speeds and permanently connected Does not block the phone line and several computers can be connected at once – including wirelessly BUT speeds vary according to other local usage and distance from the exchange Greater risk of hacking due to being permanently on

8 Online Shopping Almost anything can be bought online nowadays Think about your own shopping experiences What are the advantages? (save petrol, people with disabilities, range of goods, items delivered incl. heavy items, businesses can easily expand internationally, no overheads etc) What are the disadvantages of shopping online? (wait for delivery, only see the goods – cannot touch them or try them on, pay to return items, items could be damaged etc)

9 Email: CC, BCC and attachments Cc – Carbon Copy. Used to send a copy of the email to someone else Bcc – Blind Carbon Copy. Used if you don’t want the main recipient of the email to see who else you have copied it to Attachments can be any file stored on a computer e.g. picture, sound, document BUT restrictions on file size

10 Spreadsheets Benefits: automatic recalculation; graphs and charts can be created easily, replication of values and formula in a column or row, formula can be stored and reused, easy to calculate large amount of values If asked for formula ALWAYS start with “=“ and use cell references E.g. =A1+A2 =SUM(A1:A5)

11 Data Logging and Control Data logging allows you to record a series of measurements taken by sensors Results are logged and stored on a computer for later use Data can be collected automatically at set intervals e.g. temperature, air pressure, humidity, Advantages: data collection is automatic – no intervention is necessary; readings taken continuously over long periods of time; readings more accurate; sensors can be placed in areas too dangerous for humans Control Systems – use sensors to control a computer e.g. environmental control Measurements are analogue (e.g. temperature) and so need to be converted to digital using an Analogue to Digital Convertor (ADC)

12 Devices for Specific Users Voice-recognition software Text-to-voice software Braille Keyboards Touch-sensitive data entry devices (e.g. touch screens) Eye typer Foot mouse

13 Databases (Information Handling) Benefits: fast access – finding data is quicker that in a system where data is stored on paper; easy to edit – easy to find data and update it; validation – checking that the data being entered is appropriate (GIGO); Reports – results can be used to produce printed reports; Security – can set passwords RECORD – the whole information about one thing e.g. a person FIELD – one piece of information within a record e.g. Address TABLE – all records e.g. customers PRIMARY KEY – unique identification of a record to make sure each record is unique e.g. Customer ID, Product ID

14 Databases – Searching for Information Use queries to search for information Simple search – looks for data in one field only e.g. Town = Beaconsfield Complex search – looks for data across multiple fields e.g Town = Beaconsfield AND Age >16

15 Electronic Registration Most schools now use computer registration for students In this school – SIMS Makes it easy to determine whether a pupil is absent and highlight patterns in absenteeism Some schools use swipe card registration or OMR (optical mark recognition) SIMS can be used on laptop, PC or iPad Biometric (fingerprint) registration is now much more common Statistics can be easily and quickly found for heads of year – computer works it all out for them!

16 Online Bookings Holidays, cinema, activities etc Many booking systems are now web based and can be booked over the internet Can check whether seats/rooms are available and how much the are Payment usually by credit card Tickets can be mailed through the post or emailed to be later printed A large database is actually used to store the companies bookings and must ensure double bookings cannot be made Advantages/Disadvantages?

17 Examinations The written exams are 40% of the entire course In May you will sit two exams of 1.5 hours When you are in the exam there are three golden rules: 1.Read the question 2.Read the question 3.Answer the question

18 Banned Words! Never use words such as “thing”, “something” or “stuff” BAD  : A thing for reading stuff on shopping items GOOD : A device for reading barcodes on shopping items Never use words such as “quicker”, “easier” and “cheaper” – you will usually only score marks if they are qualified BAD  : An email is quicker, easier and cheaper GOOD : An email is easier to send than taking a letter to a post-box. It can be quicker to receive a reply as it arrives in a persons inbox instantly and it is cheaper than buying stamps. Always make sure the examiner can understand your answer – try to avoid using the word “it” BAD  : It is faster GOOD : Serving customers is faster because…

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