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D. Mack Updating and Running CCleaner on your computer Tips for helping your computer to run faster and more efficiently 12/03/2007.

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Presentation on theme: "D. Mack Updating and Running CCleaner on your computer Tips for helping your computer to run faster and more efficiently 12/03/2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 D. Mack Updating and Running CCleaner on your computer Tips for helping your computer to run faster and more efficiently 12/03/2007

2 Reasons for running CCleaner Every time you go on the Internet, files called “cookies,” “temporary files,” and “temporary Internet files” are added to your computer. Certain programs you run also create Temporary Files These files can become so numerous and large than they slow down the operation of your computer. CCleaner will remove these files in One Step much quicker than trying to do it one piece at time and the actual installation and program implementation is even much quicker than reading this PowerPoint.

3 Installing and Running CCleaner CCleaner is already installed on many computers, but since it is a “free” program, it needs to be updated periodically. OCS attempts to keep the latest copy of CCleaner in the following location: Once you have logged into Novell, Go to “My Computer”, look for the last drive in this window named “Public on ‘xxx01/Sys’ (Z:)”, where “xxx” = the abbreviation for your school Left double click on the icon for this drive see screen shot on next slide

4 My Computer window showing the Public (Z:) drive - highlighted

5 Location of the AdaSpy2 folder - highlighted

6 Double click on the AdaSpy2 folder and locate the ccsetup203 (or whichever version is current) and left double click on it

7 Click on the “OK” button to select English

8 Click on the “Next” button

9 Click on the “I Agree” button

10 Click on the “Next” button to accept the default location of the Destination Folder

11 This is the only “tricky” step. Be sure to uncheck the box beside “Add CCleaner Yahoo! Toolbar…,” because we normally do not want toolbars that may cause problems with other programs.

12 The program will install relatively quickly, usually in a few seconds. Then, click on “Finish” to end the installation.

13 The CCleaner icon will appear on your Desktop screen as a large red/orange “C.” Click on it to start the program. The program’s main screen is shown below. You can click on “Analyze,” to see the types of things it will clean, BUT usually, you will just click on “Run Cleaner”

14 Another window will pop-up, telling you it will “permanently delete files from your system.” Click “OK.”

15 The program will scan and remove the unneeded files. A report will show in the right hand pane of the window. Close the window and you are done!

16 Setting up CCleaner to run automatically You can set up CCleaner to run automatically every time you login to your computer. Once you open CCleaner from the Desktop icon, click on the “Options” icon located on the left side of the window. In the window that opens, click on the “Settings” button, then click on the box beside “Run CCleaner when the computer starts”. That way you won’t have to try to remember to run CCleaner – see the next slide.

17 Setting up CCleaner to run Automatically

18 You will notice that there is a “Check for Updates” link in the bottom right hand corner of the window. If you use this to update CCleaner, or want to install it on your home computer, after you get to their Web Page, look for the “Download from File Hippo” link to do so. Otherwise, there are a lot of other links on their Web Page trying to get you to try other “cleaners,” etc. Also, look for the “green column” on the right side of the page for the “Download the latest version” link. If you have any questions, contact your On Site Technical Support (OSTS) person, or contact your OCS person.

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