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Anabela Pedroso New Projects and tools for cutting red tape Case Study: “On the spot firm” 2006 EEA category winner.

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Presentation on theme: "Anabela Pedroso New Projects and tools for cutting red tape Case Study: “On the spot firm” 2006 EEA category winner."— Presentation transcript:

1 Anabela Pedroso New Projects and tools for cutting red tape Case Study: “On the spot firm” 2006 EEA category winner

2 Why? The Problem/Challenge Lack of attraction to start a business in Portugal Heavy administrative burdens for enterprises: procedures, money, time consumer Department silos working “too much well”…

3 Why? The Problem/Challenge 11 procedures, between 54 and 78 days 20 forms (more than for any other EU country) Total cost was 13.5% of the GNI (Gross National Income) Until 2005:

4 Solving the Problem Citizen-Centric Strategy Services Key Enablers Governance

5 Modernising public services delivery for business Actions to reduce regulatory burdens and streamline administrative processesActions to reduce regulatory burdens and streamline administrative processes Projects shall consider the links between administrative simplification & e-GovernmentProjects shall consider the links between administrative simplification & e-Government “One-Stop-Shop” for business activities“One-Stop-Shop” for business activities Multi-channel front-office functionalityMulti-channel front-office functionality

6 Modernising public services delivery for business – We focus on… BUSINESS LIFECYCLE MAIN EVENTS Services are redesigned and delivered to respond to the needs and interests of business lifecycle events the main business lifecycle events

7 Multi-Channel Platform for Enterprises: Face-2-Face Communications Channels Contact Points Entreprene ur (Business Formalities Centers ) (Business Portal) (Business Registration Centers-MJustice )

8 “ On the spot firm ” (Less than 1 hour) “ On-line company ” (2 days) Even the “ old system ” has a better performance: 7 procedures and less then 8 days How does it works? Starting a Business

9 “On the spot firm” Face-2-Face Model Main objective: to develop a quicker, easier, and cheaper way to start a business. Participation of all the stakeholders: The Committee for Cutting Red Tape Initiatives, (created under the office of the Secretary of State for Justice) Legislative and process simplification: From 11 to 7 steps Elimination the outdated requirement for entrepreneurs to register and legalize their financial accounting books (only an example)

10 70% of new companies created that way: 38.721 companies (2005-Nov2007); 44 minutes (average time) 78 Centers for Businesses Significant savings: From 13.5% to 3.4% of the GNI International Recognition: 2006 Enterprise Aword Doing Business 2007 Report (World Bank) places Portugal between de 10 quicker countries for starting a business “On the spot firm” - Results

11 Multi-Channel Platform for Enterprise: Face-2-Face Communications Channels Contact Points Entreprene ur (Business Formalities Centers ) (Business Portal) (Business Registration Centers-MJustice )

12 Business Portal ( Simpler, from start to end Information and transactional services covering the business lifecycle: –Starting a business –Managing business activities –Expanding a business –Closing or Selling a business 450 services from 78 public bodies

13 7 steps to start your business online Register your trade mark “on the spot” online 4 Ministers involved 790 companies created online (Jun2006-Nov2007) Requires: Strong authentication Starting a Business online

14 Red tape has been reduced Making evidence of legal incorporation is now straightforward with “ permanent electronic certificate of commercial registry ” Paper is not mandatory: business can run electronic systems of billing, invoice and invoice records Some company books are no longer mandatory Registration formalities of company books were eliminated Almost a conclusion:

15 Key Enablers

16 More Simple Services to Citizenss Easier Services to Enterprises More efficient Public Administration Programe Simplex: “The Simple The Better” Objective: Reduction of Administrative Burdens. 300 Measures in 2006 + 235 Measures in 2007

17 17 Uniformidade Standards iniciais De Jure Funcionam para o mundo físico Tradutibilidade Standards De Facto Standardization Translation Interoperability – “That’s the secret” Standards and common methodologies

18 A physical document, that identifies the citizen visually and physically, and a digital document, that allows its holder to electronically authenticate the Citizen’s online transactions. Citizen’s Card: An interoperability example The Citizenship Certificate

19 Let’s do it TOGETHER!

20 Anabela Pedroso New Projects and tools for cutting red tape Case Study: “On the spot firm” 2006 EEA category winner

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