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Forges: Synthesizing Verified Generators Kestrel Institute PIs: Cordell Green, John Anton CSs: Lindsay Errington, Doug Smith, Alessandro Coglio, Stephen.

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Presentation on theme: "Forges: Synthesizing Verified Generators Kestrel Institute PIs: Cordell Green, John Anton CSs: Lindsay Errington, Doug Smith, Alessandro Coglio, Stephen."— Presentation transcript:

1 Forges: Synthesizing Verified Generators Kestrel Institute PIs: Cordell Green, John Anton CSs: Lindsay Errington, Doug Smith, Alessandro Coglio, Stephen Westfold, Jim McDonald

2 Objective: synthesize model- based generators! Produce generators quicker! Produce generators that are verified!

3 Overview Stateflow meta-model C meta-model Stateflow model C code Generator Meta Generator design knowledge translation specification

4 Problem Theory (D|I  R|O) generate-and-test Constraint Satisfaction (R = set of maps) Global Structure (R = set + recursive partition) global search binary search backtrack branch-and-bound Local Structure (R = set + relation) local search hill climbing simulated annealing tabu search Local Structure (R = set + relation) genetic algorithms Local Poset Structure (R = set + partial order) Local Semilattice Structure (R = semilattice) GS-CSP (R = recursively partitioned set of maps) GS-Horn-CSP (Horn-like Constraints) constraint propagation Monotone Deflationary Function fixed point iteration Integer Linear Programming 0-1 methods Linear Programming simplex method interior point primal dual Network Flow specialized simplex Ford-Fulkerson Transportation NW algorithm Assignment Problem Hungarian method Divide -and -Conquer divide-and-conquer Problem Reduction Generators dynamic programming branch-and-bound game tree search Complement Reduction sieves Problem Reduction Structure Taxonomy of Algorithm Theories

5 What’s a meta-model? A language specification! Static semantics  What are well formed programs in the language Dynamic semantics  How programs behave

6 Elements of a Static Semantics Abstract syntax Characterization of well-formed terms Type theory Vanderbilt has a static-semantics UML meta-model for Stateflow We translate UML into specifications in logic

7 Stateflow static semantics sort Event, State, Transition, Action, … op src : Transition  State op dst : Transition  State op event : Transition  Event op action : Transition  Action op children : State  Or [State] | And [State] | None op parent : State  State 

8 Static semantics (cont’d) op active : State  Bool active(s)  parent(s) ≠ undef  active(parent(s)) “the ancestors of an active state are active”

9 Dynamic Semantics Many formalisms to choose from Denotational, axiomatic, … Action Semantics (Mosses) Structural Operational Semantics (Plotkin) Natural Semantics (Kahn) (used in Centaur) Our choice: Abstract State Machines (ASMs) aka Evolving Algebras (Gurevich)

10 What are Abstract State Machines? Algebraic theories. Sorts, operators, axioms Rules for conditionally rewriting theories. if b then f(t 1,…,t n ) := t

11 ASM Example sort Node op left : Node  Node op right : Node  Node op node : Node if left(node)  undef then left(node) := left(left(node)) right(node) := right(left(node))

12 Why ASMs? ASMs support: abstraction refinement composition Comprehensible To be shared with other MoBIES participants.

13 Stateflow dynamic semantics Stateflow is event driven a/bb entry: f();entry: g();

14 Dynamic semantics (cont’d) Event handling can be pre-empted  Need a stack! sort Frame = Exec Action | EndTrans Transition | … sort Stack = [Frame] op stack : Stack startTrans(s : State, t : Transition) = active(s) := false stack := (Exec action(t)) :: (EndTrans t) :: (tail stack)

15 Verifiability: when is the translation correct? Conventional notion: Program p denotes a function or relation [p] Translation correct when the denotation is preserved: [p] = [trans(p)] Conventional notion doesn’t work: Stateflow diagrams are reactive – not functional – they may never terminate!

16 Bisimulation! A run of a machine on a program p is a sequence of states. We observe only the events. p and trans(p) are equivalent when we observe the same behaviour Formally we define a bisimulation relation between the states of p and trans(p)

17 Bisimulation … and vice versa p Stateflow trans(p) C q e q’ e

18 Bisimulation What we won’t do: Exhibit the bisimulation relation What we will do: Ensure that the translation preserves bisimulation

19 Status Meta-modeling Translation theories – getting started StateflowCSMVSSATNotes Static With help from Vanderbilt Dynamic40% -- Anticipate help from MoBIES partipants

20 Conclusions Produce generators quicker! By reuse of language meta-models By capturing and exploiting design knowledge Produce generators that are verified! Translation preserves bisumulation

21 Tasks ahead Completion of meta-models Validation of meta-models Abstraction of design theories

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