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Dr Rob Bodington Eurostep PLCSlib - background. PLCSlib - Acknowledgements  Norwegian Defence Logistics Organisation  UK MoD Defence Equipment and Support.

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Presentation on theme: "Dr Rob Bodington Eurostep PLCSlib - background. PLCSlib - Acknowledgements  Norwegian Defence Logistics Organisation  UK MoD Defence Equipment and Support."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr Rob Bodington Eurostep PLCSlib - background

2 PLCSlib - Acknowledgements  Norwegian Defence Logistics Organisation  UK MoD Defence Equipment and Support (DE&S)  Sweden’s FMV  French MoD - SIMMT  Boeing  BAE Systems  Rolls Royce  Black & Rossi  DNV  Eurostep  CRESCENDO Project (EU R&D project)  LOTAR project  RASSC project (UK TSB R&D project)

3 Topics  Historical tour  What is a DEX  Real example

4 History 2005  ISO 10303-239 edition1  DEXlib DEXs, ISO 10303-28 XML Schema, 2010  ISO 10303-239 edition2  PLCSlib developed 2012  PLCSlib adopted by OASIS PLCS TC DEXS PLCS PSM XML Schema

5 PLCS Background: Where we were 2005-2010 Business need  Clear business requirement for the use of PLCS  Has traction in terms of customer requests Norway’s NDLO, UK MOD, NATO, USAF, US NAVSEA, US Army, Sweden’s FMV, France’s SIMMT etc. Implementations  Notable implementation successes Some industrial deployments/pilots BAE Systems, Volvo, Airbus, Boeing, FMV, Kongsberg, Kockums, UK MoD, AM General, …. Used live from Afghanistan Some commercial tool support PLCS as a standard - ISO 10303-239  Has a second edition in preparation Small increase in scope Greater compatibility with Systems Engineering and PLM ISO standards …. the PLCS model satisfies a business need … the implementations have delivered real business value … but requires experts and in-depth knowledge

6 PLCS Background: Where we were 2005-2010 PLCS as OASIS standards  Many DEXs but only one DEX as OASIS standard But standardized components e.g. templates + ref data  Focus on Business DEXs rather than standard DEXs Built from standardized components Take up  Limited take up by COTS software providers, systems integrators, OEMS  Limited number of experts Technology  Does not use mainstream software technology and practices  Comprehensive but complex information model  Inefficient implementations ISO 10303-28 XML Schema for PLCS overly complex, redundant entities and attributes in the model that lead to large file size and a complex model Hence ….. need to remove barriers to PLCS exploitation

7 Opportunities Experience  Experience available from: Specifying data exchanges Production level implementations New Technology  Since PLCS project, newer technologies that address some of the core needs “Out of the Box” have matured so enables reduction in bespoke technologies OMG Model Driven Architecture / Enterprise Architecture approaches OMG UML is closer to EXPRESS in its declarative capability and is far more widely adopted OMG SysML is a UML profile that provides the full capabilities required by the DEX specification process STEP developments  AP242 requirements for a business object model Advantage  Take advantage of experience and new technology to: Exploit mainstream technology Integrate PLCS into an Architecture Framework approach Provide higher level perspective on the information model Make the information model easier to implement and understand Make it easier to specify data exchanges Hence enables quality improvement

8 Challenges addressed: 2010 - 2012 Business challenges  To make DEXs more understandable to business & technical users  To align with Enterprise Architecture approaches  To make the standard easier to understand To determine whether PLCS meets project needs/requirements  To make it easier to specify standards based exchanges  To make Data Exchange Specification(DEX) development easier and faster Technical challenges  To move the standard to use mainstream technology UML technologies versus EXPRESS + OASIS PLCS TC e.g templates bespoke technology XML technologies used the way implementers expect  To support both file based and service based exchanges  To make implementation quicker  To make the resulting exchange capability more efficient Project challenge  Do the above without changing the standard core of PLCS because it has been demonstrated to deliver real business value

9 Achievements Integrated set of PLCS information: PLCSlib  Managed by: OASIS PLCS TC:  Developed as an open source Sourceforge project:  Published daily:  Training Videos Technology  Adoption of OMG’s SysML  Improved XML Schema + use of Schematron Information Model  UML Concept model  Implementation model – PSM Derived from AP239 ed2 Aligned with AP242 Business Object Model EXPRESS  SysML  XML Schema + Schematron  OWL based reference data DEX architecting tools  SysML based templates & DEXs

10 Status  DEXlib is to be deprecated  OASIS PLCS TC focus is on PLCSlib All future development will be based on PLCSlib components Exchanges based on the PLCS PSM – XML Schema  PLCS PSM to be published as an OASIS standard  A number of DEXs been developed using new approach Modelling & simulation management Maintenance feedback Maintenance & Repair Long term archiving of product design data

11 Topics  Historical tour  What is a DEX  Real example

12 Organization A Organization B Translator System A System B Consumption of life (DEX) Data exchange Product operator Product maintainer Bike identification Part No / S.No / Stock No Life properties Cycling hours

13 Business Objects Model PLCS PSM XSD maps Templates Transformed maps PLCS PSM Organization A Organization B specifies Exchange process System model Ref. Data uses specializes Translator System A System B Data Exchange Specification (DEX) maps 1) Why exchange data? 2) What data to be exchanged? 3) How to exchange data? References

14 Topics  Historical tour  What is a DEX  Real example

15 C O P Y R I G H T E U R O S T E P G R O U P UK Ministry of Defence project: » Partners: −UK Ministry of Defence −LOG NEC Delivery Partner (Boeing Defense UK), Eurostep, Rolls-Royce

16 C O P Y R I G H T E U R O S T E P G R O U P RAF Scenario

17 C O P Y R I G H T E U R O S T E P G R O U P ROCET PLCS pilot 2010 » Based on: −UK Defence DEXs −Ap239 ed1 / DEXlib » Used EXPRESS technology for translators » Issues: −File size too large −Poor signal to noise ratio caused by /IGNORE −XML Schema complexity −Difficult to “debug” XML files

18 C O P Y R I G H T E U R O S T E P G R O U P Evaluation environment Developed using Eurostep’s PLCS Java toolbox Developed using XML Beans Java Developed using XSLT Compare

19 C O P Y R I G H T E U R O S T E P G R O U P Results SchemaOASIS templatesBusiness templates Total Templates AP239 P2812719 PLCS PSM9413 SchemaTotal XML Elements Total XML Attributes Total XML Element types Total XML attributes: /IGNORE Total XML attributes: /NULL MoD_EAM_Extract3,08112700 AP239 P2845,26632,8961059,601288 PLCS PSM5,2604,0794800 PLCS PSM MultId6,0173,8765300 PLCS PSM ShortName5,2604,0794800 SchemaFile size Indented XML File size no indentation File size compressed MoD_EAM_Extract249,119132,1715,176 AP239 P282,108,2701,972,22061,260 AP239 P21429,395 41,540 PLCS PSM317,136218,78611,628 PLCS PSM MultId352,796236,68014,603 PLCS PSM ShortName225,832134,42711,319 Note: Results based on PLCS PSM Q1 2012 – prior to 242 harmonization

20 C O P Y R I G H T E U R O S T E P G R O U P Results SchemaFile size Indented XML File size no indentation File size compressed MoD_EAM_Extract11.8%6.7%8.4% AP239 P28100.0% PLCS PSM15.0%11.1%19.0% PLCS PSM MultId16.7%12.0%23.8% PLCS PSM ShortName10.7%6.8%18.5% SchemaFile size Indented XML File size no indentation File size compressed MoD_EAM_Extract100.0%100%100.0% AP239 P28846.3%1492.2%1183.5% PLCS PSM127.3%165.5%224.7% PLCS PSM MultId141.6%179.1%282.1% PLCS PSM ShortName90.7%101.7%218.7% Note: Results based on PLCS PSM Q1 2012 – prior to 242 harmonization

21 C O P Y R I G H T E U R O S T E P G R O U P Conclusion » The PSM XML is significantly smaller than the AP239 P28 file and comparable to the bespoke E&AM schema exchange » The PSM XML is easily processed by off the shelf XML technology −XSLT −XML Schema, Schematron −Java,.NET » Validation of the XML data, both syntactically and semantically can be done with a combination of −XML Schema −Schematron » DEX development and deployment is readily achieved by use of mainstream COTS software » Post project: −PLCS PSM and PLCSlib accepted by OASIS PLCS TC −Migration from DEXlib to PLCSlib agreed

22 C O P Y R I G H T E U R O S T E P G R O U P Conclusions » PLCS works » PLCS is delivering business values » The new approach makes PLCS more accessible

23 Challenges addressed: 2010 - 2012 Business challenges  To make DEXs more understandable to business & technical users  To align with Enterprise Architecture approaches  To make the standard easier to understand To determine whether PLCS meets project needs/requirements  To make it easier to specify standards based exchanges  To make Data Exchange Specification(DEX) development easier and faster Technical challenges  To move the standard to use mainstream technology UML technologies versus EXPRESS + OASIS PLCS TC e.g templates bespoke technology XML technologies used the way implementers expect  To support both file based and service based exchanges  To make implementation quicker  To make the resulting exchange capability more efficient Project challenge  Do the above without changing the standard core of PLCS because it has been demonstrated to deliver real business value

24 Integrated set of PLCS information: PLCSlib  Managed by: OASIS PLCS TC: https://www.oasis- https://www.oasis-  Developed as an open source Sourceforge project:  Published daily:  Training Videos

25 AP239 ed2 Summary of changes  Used latest editions of modules  Extended Selects  Added:  System / non abstract Product  Analysis  Validation & verification  Risk  Created:  Collection  Product Environment  Same-as  Conditional effectivity  Identification relations  Modified:  Message  Observation  Resources  Product category – removed from modules  Justification – added assumption

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