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UNIT 5 – PHYSICAL FITNESS. OBJECTIVES  Content Objective – The students will be able to identify what physical fitness is, why people choose not to and.

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2 OBJECTIVES  Content Objective – The students will be able to identify what physical fitness is, why people choose not to and choose to participate in physical fitness along with the benefits of participating in fitness by completing a group summary of chapter 1 in the Personal Fitness textbook.  Language Objective – The students will be able to summarize what they read in the Personal Fitness textbook to the rest of the class in order for each student in the class to acquire the important information from each section within their notes.

3 BELL RINGER  What do you already know about fitness?  What is fitness?  What affects your attitude towards personal fitness/Why do people choose not to exercise?  What does a person who is physical fit look like and how are they identified?  What are the common risk factors of inactivity?  What are the benefits of exercise?

4 ACTIVITY  In your row, write down or draw ideas that answer the question that your group was presented with on the large paper provided.  After each group has completed their poster, they will be passed around the room. Each group will have 2 minutes to add something to another groups poster  You will use your groups post-it notes to add to other posters.  Row 1 – What affects your attitude toward fitness/why do people choose not to exercise?  Row 2 – What is physical fitness?  Row 3 – What are common risk factors to your health?  Row 4 – What does a physically fit person look like and/or identified?  Row 5 – What are the benefits of exercising?

5 TEXTBOOK READING  Each group will be responsible for reading and summarizing a section for chapter 1 in the Personal Fitness text book.  Each person in your group will read your section on their own  After each person has read it, group meets back together to summarize the important information.  Each member of your group is responsible for presenting something from the summary  Row 1 – What Affects your Attitude Towards Physical Fitness  Pages 3 – 5  Row 2 – What is Physical Fitness –  Pages 1-3 and Pages 5 & 6  Row 3 – Primary Health Risk Factors  Pages 6 – 9  Row 4 – Benefits of Exercising  Pages 9 – 11 (Finish at end of Muscular Strength and Endurance)  Row 5 – Benefits of Exercising  Pages 11 (Increased Level of Energy) to page 13

6 GROUP 1 – WHAT AFFECTS YOUR ATTITUDE TOWARDS PHYSICAL FITNESS? 1. Lack of Athletic Ability – People with a poor athletic background may feel that they cannot become physically fit because they may feel they are not skilled enough. 2. Past Negative Experiences on Physical Fitness Tests – You may not have an understanding of what fitness is and therefore not understand that your score can be improved on them by training and exercising multiple times a week. 3. Past Experience with Youth Sports – Many youth ages 5-16 participate in sports and oftentimes get negative views on fitness and athletics due to the pressure that is put on them to win rather than having fun. 4. Heredity Plays a Role – Our society rewards slimness and athletic ability but heredity and genes play a large role in a person body type or build 5. Media Influence – People feel like they should or need to look the way women and men are portrayed in magazines, television, advertisement and movies. People put pressure on themselves to look this way but society and parents may also add additional pressures. Dove CommercialDove Commercial

7 GROUP 2 – WHAT IS FITNESS?  Fad – Get excited about exercising, do it regularly for a period of time, begin to lose enthusiasm for it and then stop exercising altogether.  Trend – When the interest in physical fitness lasts over time  Surgeon General’s Report on Physical Activity – Report from 1996 shows people of all ages can improve their quality of life through moderate physical activity and that physical activity declines during high school years.  What is Fitness?  A person is considered physically fit when they can carry out daily tasks without excess fatigue, are able to handle emergency situations and have sufficient energy to enjoy leisure activities.  How is Physical Fitness Determined?  By the condition of the heart and circulatory system, respiratory system, muscular system, degree of flexibility and percentage of body fat.

8 GROUP 3 – PRIMARY HEALTH RISK FACTORS – CONTROLLABLE  Inactivity – People who are inactive have a greater risk of heart problems and other diseases. While people who are active are able to take control of their life because physical health is important to your total development.  Obesity – Means having excessive deposits of fat in the belly which strain your heart and circulatory system and may also make it hard to adjust socially and emotionally. Initial stages of obesity typically begin in childhood.  Smoking – Causes many problems in the circulatory and respiratory systems.  High Levels of Cholesterol – Cholesterol is a waxy, fatlike substance that is found in the cells and collects in blood vessels and clogs them which is why it is often associated with heart disease.  Stress and Tension – Unnecessary stress and tension may place a strain on the heart and circulatory system  Diabetes – Is the inability of the body to produce or use insulin which is necessary for the body to break down and use glucose for energy  High Blood Pressure – This is a major cause of heart and other circulatory problems and it does not just occur in older people

9 GROUP 3 - PRIMARY HEALTH RISK FACTORS - UNCONTROLLABLE  High Blood Pressure – This is a major cause of heart and other circulatory problems and it does not just occur in older people  Sex of the Individual – Men have a higher risk of heart disease previously thought to be due to the tension and stress that work places on them but this gap is now decreasing with women entering the business world.  Heredity – If family members have a history of heart attack or other circulatory problems it increases your risk.  Age – Advancing age increases the risk of developing coronary heart disease since the collection of arterial plaque is an ongoing process and the longer one lives the greater the build up  Diabetes – Is the inability of the body to produce or use insulin which is necessary for the body to break down and use glucose for energy  High Cholesterol - Cholesterol is a waxy, fatlike substance that is found in the cells and collects in blood vessels and clogs them which is why it is often associated with heart disease.

10 GROUP 4 – BENEFITS OF EXERCISING  Improved Appearance – Looking good is important to feeling good and fitness helps to control body weight, tone muscles and shape the body.  Improved Body Image – Body image is the way that you feel about your physical self and it affects your self- concept.  Improved Self-Control – People who exercise are able to take control of their bodies and therefore usually feel less stress and depression.  More Enjoyment of Life – Physical activity can provide relief from the daily anxieties of life and can be refreshing and have an exhilarating effect on your life.  Improved Health – Physical activity beyond your daily living routine is needed to avoid heart disease and other illnesses because activity people have better digestion and therefore are better able to eliminate waste from their body.  Increased Muscular Strength and Endurance – Men want to be as strong as possible and have well- developed muscles, while women want to be tone

11 GROUP 5 – BENEFITS OF EXERCISING CONT.  Increased Level of Energy – Being tired may be a direct result of lifestyle choices like poor nutrition, rest habits and/or lack of exercising.  Improved Physical Performance – If you are physically fit you will not fatigue as quickly in your activity and therefore you can play longer, gain more skills and enjoy it greater.  Increased Success in Your School Work and/or Job – A sound mind is a sound body, where increased physical fitness helps increase academic achievement.  Helps Cope with Stress – Teenagers are under many stressors that often lead to depression, anger or anxiety about their lives.  Sleep Better – Exercise relieves tension so your body relaxes, enabling you to go to sleep quicker and more soundly.  Increased Life Expectancy – Many diseases due to inactivity begin at an early age because people abuse their bodies and physical fitness activities provide almost immediate physical and mental benefits

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