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DMM Implementation Teams Institutes of Higher Education.

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Presentation on theme: "DMM Implementation Teams Institutes of Higher Education."— Presentation transcript:

1 DMM Implementation Teams Institutes of Higher Education

2 What is DMM? Collaborative project between the Iowa Department of Education and Florida State University Comprehensive professional development system to increase family centered services in natural environments statewide

3 Key Components of DMM 1.Clearly Defined Evidence Based Framework 2.Collaborative, Cross Sector Policy and Practice Content 3.Diverse, Evidence-based, Sustained PD Formats 4.Technology Supported PD 5.Multi-level Assessment and Evaluation

4 Defining the Implementation Team Implementation has multiple definitions… – Fulfillment, putting into action, putting into effect, carry out, satisfy, performance, execution – My favorite- strategy execution! – For DMM, each of the definitions fits what we need to do… (but not necessarily in the order listed!) – And with everything we want to do… – We need a team

5 Quick Reminder of Implementation Team’s First Steps Set up the team – Identify members – Find time(s) to meet/connect Gather information – Program description – Technology survey Identify 1 st Cohort Peer Partners – Support the peer partners access to PD

6 Now What? Putting into Action… Begin a written plan with your own regional goals, expectations, timelines and data to collect that will support your cohort membership Revisit the membership… now what you have gotten a start… is anyone missing who could help make the process move forward – Quicker (e.g. another/different administrator? Techie? Another member to help out? Support staff?) – With more enthusiasm (e.g. a family member, IHE member, community provider, someone who gets it?) – With credibility (e.g. someone who is doing it already, a community leader who is on board?

7 Get Ready for Implementation… Appoint a leader Review your written plan with the State Team Be sure you are gathering the information you need/want to validate implementation from multiple sources (e.g. State team, External evaluator, FSU, Peer partners, local/regional teams) Make sure your peer partners have everything they need and are ready to roll

8 State Level Implementation Team State Level Goals (Draft) PD Umbrella for Systems Change Integration of Implementation Science Diverse Stakeholder membership Regional/local teams for Adoption Secure/align fiscal resources Implementation of PD for RPs Identify approach, components, key indicators Integrate appropriate use of technology Develop fidelity measures Use data for making decisions Regional/Local Implementation Team Program Description at Beginning and Reviewed Annually Program Goals, Measureable Objectives, Level of Implementation, Satisfaction Participation in PD 1 st Cohort, Peer Partners Support for implementation, dissemination, data review Team building for next cohort Measure fidelity Use data for making decisions

9 Carry Out/Execute! Keep an eye and ear out for potential barriers or challenges… just getting started isn’t enough… keeping it going requires attention Set up a schedule for communication with your team, with the Peer Partners and their supervisors (if it isn’t you), with the State Team, with FSU (we love to stay in touch!) Share your message with others frequently, consistently, simply and get others to join you

10 Check out the AI Hub! An entire learning module on Implementation Teams Cites research that shows difference between use of implementation teams and what happens without it! (Not much!) Teams are the difference between letting it happen, helping it happen and MAKING IT HAPPEN!

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