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Overhead Crane Safety.

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Presentation on theme: "Overhead Crane Safety."— Presentation transcript:

1 Overhead Crane Safety

2 Objectives The following topics will be reviewed
Requirements to operate cranes Daily inspection Operation of C-Hooks Operation of Sheet lifters Operation of Magnets Using Chains Pallet Lifter Using Plate Dogs Using Spreader Beams

3 Requirements to Operate a Crane
Currently Trained & Certified by Olympic Steel Not under the influence of Drugs, Alcohol or Medications

4 Pre Shift inspection Operate all of the controls to insure they operate correctly Inspect the following from the floor Hook Shives Cables Drum

5 What To Look For Controls that respond and operate correctly Cables
Kinking Crushes Breaks Broken Wires Unwinding Bird Caging

6 What to look for Drum Hook Shives
Cables rapping straight, not overlapping and not unwinding Hook Safety Latch is in place & closes correctly Hooks opened more then 15% at the throat or twisted more then 10deg from the plane shall be taken out of service. Shives Not Damaged Cables traveling through correctly

7 Documentation of Inspection
Check off inspection sheet Make notes of problems Inform your Supervisor of any problems noted during inspection If crane is deemed unsafe, take it out of service & do not use it until it is repaired

8 General Crane Safety Conduct inspections at least at the beginning of shift or if it is the first time you are using that day. If you are unfamiliar how to use a certain lifting device get instructions from your supervisor before using. Keep yourself and others out of pinch points, out from under loads and out of potential impact areas. Wear gloves if you must touch the load

9 General Crane Safety Conduct a Quick inspection of the crane & all lifting devices before each use Insure the Crane & Lifting Device can handle the weight of the load Remember 1 TON = 2000 lbs. Never conduct a side pull Never Shock or jerk a load Identify other personnel & trip hazards in the area you are operating in

10 C-Hooks Always position throat of C-hook over center of coil
Always stand to front or rear of the closed side of the c-hook Never allow anyone to stand in front of, behind or next to the open side of the coil. Never place the coil on the banding clips.

11 Sheet Lifters Never try to make a lift on the widest part of the steel
Insure the teeth are totally under the steel before lifting the load Insure the steel is straight in the sheet lifter and not angled Never allow anyone to stand in front or behind the sheet lifter Never place hands under a load to move cribbing

12 Sheet Lifter Danger Areas
Behind a loaded sheet lifter. In front of a loaded the sheet lifter. Under the sheet lifter.

13 Don't be be the JACK ASS!

14 Magnets Always store magnet on a clean area Do not bang magnet around
Stay out of pinch points & under load 6 Factors that affect lifts with magnets Charge of Magnet Surface area of magnet that is making contact with steel, must be at least 65% or greater How clean magnet is How clean steel is Thickness of steel Weight of object

15 Chains Do not expose to sudden shock
Store on the rack or wall to prevent unnecessary damage One damaged link could cause the chain to break. Inspect at least the first time you use it every shift for: elongated links bent links worn links cracks crushed links

16 Pallet Lifters Inspect pallet before use to insure it is in good shape
Insure material is stable on pallet and will not spill Keep all personnel away from all sides when off the ground Lift only as high as needed to clear the tallest obstacle.

17 Plate Dogs Insure completely under plate and balanced
Stand back & lift an inch off ground & check to see if balanced If not balanced set down and lift Always give yourself and others several feet in case the plate shifts on the dogs Store dogs & chains off the floor

18 Spreader Beams Give yourself and others a lot of of room with this device Insure completely under plate and balanced Stand back & lift an inch off ground & check to see if balanced If not balanced set down and lift again

19 Review All operators must be certified
Only use lifting devises you are familiar with and trained to use Document the pre-shift inspection Conduct a quick inspection of the crane & lifting devices before every use Keep yourself & other out of danger areas(pinch point, possible impact areas) Be alert for trip hazards & other employees.

20 Crane Safety, its up to you!

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