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K ILLING 2 B IRDS WITH 1 T RIANGLE R T I & PBIS Dean Richards, OrRtI Sarah Crane-Simpson, UMESD.

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Presentation on theme: "K ILLING 2 B IRDS WITH 1 T RIANGLE R T I & PBIS Dean Richards, OrRtI Sarah Crane-Simpson, UMESD."— Presentation transcript:

1 K ILLING 2 B IRDS WITH 1 T RIANGLE R T I & PBIS Dean Richards, OrRtI Sarah Crane-Simpson, UMESD


3 T OO M ANY A CRONYMS... RtI = Response to Intervention PBIS = Positive Behavior Intervention and Support

4 Academic SystemsBehavioral Systems 1-5% 5-10% 80-90% Intensive, Individual Interventions Individual Students Assessment-based High Intensity Intensive, Individual Interventions Individual Students Assessment-based Intense, durable procedures Targeted Group Interventions Some students (at-risk) High efficiency Rapid response Targeted Group Interventions Some students (at-risk) High efficiency Rapid response Universal Interventions All students Preventive, proactive Universal Interventions All settings, all students Preventive, proactive D ESIGNING S CHOOL -W IDE S YSTEMS FOR S TUDENT S UCCESS


6  Principal  Classroom Teachers  Specialists  School Counselor  School Psychologist o ODRs o Sped Referrals o Nominations RTIPBIS

7 Types of meetings  Tier 1 (grade level)  Examine the overall health of the core program for ALL students  Tier 2 (intervention group level)  Examine students in interventions to determine, “Is what we are doing working?”  Exit, intensify, or continue intervention  Tier 3 (student level)  Problem solve around individual student need and design individual plan

8 PBIS/RTI  Teacher leaders  Job delegation  Top down and bottom up

9  Ongoing  Based on student and staff need and performance.  Time to collaborate and plan  Fidelity checks  Data used to drive professional development needs. o 101 o Tier 2 interventions o Team updates RtIPBIS

10  ALL students at least three times per year  Good screening measures:  Efficient, brief, valid, reliable, unbiased and over-identifies  Screening is used as a key measure to determine:  The health of the core  Which students might need additional intervention. o Office Discipline Referrals o Screener o Teacher nomination RtIPBIS

11  Phonemic Awareness  Phonics  Fluency  Vocabulary  Comprehension  State standards  Scope and sequence  Engaging and motivating instructional strategies o School-wide expectations o Lesson Plans RtIPBIS

12  Provide the “now what” after teams have analyzed student data  Guide decisions for all tiers  Take the guesswork out of “what to do next”  Ensure equity across schools o Team meetings o Number of ODRs o Referrals RtIPBIS

13  Data answers the question: “Is what we are doing working?”  Frequency:  Every 2 weeks (minimum)  Every week (ideal) o Data, not feelings RtIPBIS

14  Designed to match instructional need  Is in addition to district core curriculum  Uses more explicit instruction  Provides more intensity  Additional modeling and guided feedback  Immediacy of feedback  Does NOT replace core o CICO o TKO o Social skills groups o Community involvement RtIPBIS

15 B ENEFITS OF A RTI S YSTEM RTI will help you to:  Know immediately, “Is what we are doing working?”  Know which students need more/different  Know what each student needs  Provide structures to deliver what students need  Reduce rates of identification of student learning disabilities  Prevent reading problems before they occur  Raise student achievement

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