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Jan. 2013Dr. Yangjun Chen1 Chapter 21 (2nd. Edition) Advanced Data Modeling Subclasses Superclasses Specialization Attribute inheritance Generalization.

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1 Jan. 2013Dr. Yangjun Chen1 Chapter 21 (2nd. Edition) Advanced Data Modeling Subclasses Superclasses Specialization Attribute inheritance Generalization Discriminator Lattice Category EER-to-Relational Mapping Aggregation Association Hierarchy Classification Instantiation Identification Constraints

2 Jan. 2013Dr. Yangjun Chen2 FUsed where more complex relationships need to be represented Fis becoming more common, more mainstream, more accepted FExamples –Computer Aided Design (CAD) & Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) –databases –Image and graphic databases –multimedia databases –geographic databases Chapter 21

3 Jan. 2013Dr. Yangjun Chen3 FSubclasses FSuperclasses FSpecialization FGeneralization FAttribute Inheritance FCategory FEnhanced-ERD FEERD - Relational MappingConcepts

4 Jan. 2013Dr. Yangjun Chen4Subclass/Superclass FExample: Employee entity Fhave subgroupings that need to be represented separately –Example: Engineer, secretary, manager, technician etc. Fsubgroupings are called subclasses of employee FEmployee entity is called a superclass FA superclass is sometimes referred to as just a class FClass/subclass relationship is also called an is-a relationship

5 Jan. 2013Dr. Yangjun Chen5Constraints employee technicianmanager superclass/class subclasses It is not necessary for an entity in a superclass to belong to a subclass An entity cannot be a member of a subclass without being a member of the superclass

6 Jan. 2013Dr. Yangjun Chen6 Subclass Concept FCertain attributes may apply to some entities but not all –Example: Entityunique attributes Engineer type secretary typing speed technician tgrade managerbusiness unit managed

7 Jan. 2013Dr. Yangjun Chen7 FSubclasses may participate in different relationships –Example: Technician might be a member of a trade union Manager manages a business unit employee technicianmanager Trade union Department manages member of Subclass Concept

8 Jan. 2013Dr. Yangjun Chen8 FEntities in a subclass inherit all the attributes of a superclass –Example: Employee (id, name, bdate) Engineer, Secretary and Technician all inherit id,name, bdate attributes from employee Engineer (id, name, bdate, Eng_type) Attribute Inheritance

9 Jan. 2013Dr. Yangjun Chen9 FEntities in a subclass also inherit relationships of its superclass employee technicianmanager Trade union Department manages member of works in Every employee (technicians and managers) works in a department Relationship Inheritance

10 Jan. 2013Dr. Yangjun Chen10 FWhy is this distinction important? –to better represent the real world –to express semantics (meaning) more precisely –to save storage space(?)Inheritance

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