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Introducing CGWeb Nikola Dimitroff Creating Genres

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Presentation on theme: "Introducing CGWeb Nikola Dimitroff Creating Genres"— Presentation transcript:

1 Introducing CGWeb Nikola Dimitroff Creating Genres

2 Table of Contents 1. CGWeb to the rescue  Installing and configuring CGWeb  Few helpful tips 2. Creating Tic-Tac-Toe with CGWeb

3 CGWeb

4  Provides abstractions to work with users, chat and game rooms for easing creating games with SignalR  Is going to be rapidly developed and since we are a small team full of noobishness, we are accepting every proposal to the library

5 CGWeb (2)  Installing and configuring CGWeb– a How-To  Go to and download the library  Add a reference in your project to the library  Add the following to your web.config in the system.webServer tag:

6 CGWeb (3)  Installing and configuring CGWeb– a How-To  Remember to enable RAMMFAR.  Aaand your done.

7 CGWeb (4)  Use cookies/query string/forms to authenticate your user (note: the query string/forms data must have a “user” or “username” key).  If you are rolling a different authentication approach – implement CGWeb.Services.IAuthenticator and register your authenticator trough the CGWeb.Services.ServiceManager

8 CGWeb (5)  If you demand more than simply guest users, inherit from CGWeb.User and implement your own type.  To create a game, you must do the following:  Inherit your game from CGWeb.Games.Game  Inherit the hub for the game from CGWeb.Hubs.GameHub  Register your game trough the ServiceManager

9 CGWeb (6)  Use the GameHub.GetConnectedClients method to communicate with the players in the current game.  Note: The client will receive notifications in the games hub, not in your hub

10 CGWeb – live demo

11 CGWeb (7)  That`s all for now folks, remember to keep tracking for updates.  You`ll also find documentation (or at least something we pretend to be comprehensive and understandable)  Come join us at Type /connect CGWeb to join our secret room and ask us whatever you feel like  Contact us at / at any time for additional information, advice or

12 Questions?

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