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GEOL 240 The Dinosaurs: Cladistics and Systematics.

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Presentation on theme: "GEOL 240 The Dinosaurs: Cladistics and Systematics."— Presentation transcript:

1 GEOL 240 The Dinosaurs: Cladistics and Systematics

2 Systematics zthe scientific study of the diversity of organisms within and among clades (genetically related groups of organisms) yTaxonomy = naming organisms / groups ySystematics = identifying evolutionary significant groups

3 Evolutionary Systematics za system of classification based on morphological similarity and the Linnaean taxonomic hierarchy (K,P,C,O,F,G,S) zIt turns out that to classify organisms there need to be an unmanageable number of sub- and super- groups (superorder, suborder …)

4 Phylogenetic Systematics zAlso known as Cladistics z Phylogeny: a "family tree" of taxa z Designed to show closeness of ancestry between groups

5 Ancestors Descendants

6 CentrosaurusChasmosaurusTriceratops share a more recent common ancestor with each other Chasmosaurus and Triceratops share a more recent common ancestor with each other than either does with Centrosaurus “Common Ancestor” Phylogenetic Systematics

7 CentrosaurusChasmosaurusTriceratops Sister Taxon - taxon which share a splitting event, like Chasmosaurus and Triceratops. Centrosaurus is a sister group with Chasmosaurus plus Triceratops. Phylogenetic Systematics



10 zMonophyletic ("single branch"): all descendants of a common ancestor oMost recent common ancestor of the members of a monophyletic group is also a member of that group oRepresents a complete branch of the tree of life D CBA

11 zParaphyletic ("nearly a branch"): some, but not all, descendants of a common ancestor oMost recent common ancestor of the members of a paraphyletic group is also a member of that group oRepresents a branch of the tree of life with one or more buds or stems clipped off D CBA

12 zPolyphyletic ("many branch"): two groups that do not share a direct common ancestor which is also part of the group oMost recent common ancestor of the members of a polyphyletic group is not also a member of that group oRepresents two or more separate branches of the tree of life D C BA

13 zStem-based taxon - “Taxon X and all organisms sharing a more recent ancestor with Taxon X than with Taxon Y” X Y not This one does not include the splitting ancestor

14 zNode-based taxon - “The most common recent ancestor of Taxon X and Taxon Y, and all descendants of that ancestor” X Y does This one does include the splitting ancestor

15 Sauropodomorphs

16 Saurischia ("lizard-hipped" or "reptile-hipped") Ornithischia ("bird-hipped")

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