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Adult Bible Study Guide Jan Feb Mar 2013 Adult Bible Study Guide Jan Feb Mar 2013 powerpoint presentation designed by claro ruiz vicente

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1 Adult Bible Study Guide Jan Feb Mar 2013 Adult Bible Study Guide Jan Feb Mar 2013 powerpoint presentation designed by claro ruiz vicente

2 Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide An Appeal Dear User…. This PowerPoint Show is freely shared to all who may find it beneficial. While intended primarily for personal use, some find it useful for teaching the lesson in church. There are those, however, who add illustrations, change background, change fonts, etc. While their intention may be good, this is not right. Slide #1 says “designed by claro ruiz vicente.” For honest Christians, it is not necessary for another’s creation to be copyrighted in order to be respected. P LEASE U SE A S I S.

3 L. James Gibson Principal Contributor Origins

4 1 Jesus, Creator of Heaven and Earth 2 Creation: Forming the World 3 The Creation Completed 4 Creation, a Biblical Theme 5 Creation and Morality 6 Creation and the Fall 7 Through a Glass, Darkly 8 Jesus, Provider and Sustainer 9 Marriage: A Gift From Eden 10 Stewardship and the Environment 11 Sabbath: A Gift From Eden 12 Creation and the Gospel 13 Creation, Again Origins Contents

5 Origins Our Goal {5} As we go through this quarter, we’ll see even more reasons why a literal six-day creation is essential to all that we believe and why to compromise on Creation is to undermine the basis of the gospel and the teachings that make us what we are.

6 Origins Lesson 3, January 19 Origins Lesson 3, January 19 The Creation Completed

7 Key Text Genesis 2:2 NIV “By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work.”

8 The Creation Completed Initial Words {31} Why did He choose to make the seven-day time cycle that we call week? It may be to provide a period of time suitable for ordinary work, yet with a regular period of time set aside as a reminder of our relationship to God. This would help to remember that God is the True Provider and we are totally dependent upon Him.

9 The Creation Completed Quick Look 1. Sun, Moon, and Stars (Genesis 1:14, 16) 2. Air, Water, and Land Animals (Genesis 1:21, 25) 3. The Seventh-day Sabbath (Genesis 2:1-3)

10 The Creation Completed 1. Sun, Moon, and Stars Genesis 1:14, 16 NKJV “Then God said, ‘Let there be lights…to divide the day from night;…for signs and seasons, and for days and years.’ Then God made two great lights: the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night. He made the stars also.”

11 1. Sun, Moon, and Stars The Fourth Day {32} If the sun was created on the fourth day, what caused the daily cycles for the first three Creation day? On the other hand, if the sun already existed, what happened on the fourth day?

12 1. Sun, Moon, and Stars Possibilities {32} 1. The sun was created on the fourth day, and the light for the first three days came from God’s presence (see Rev. 21:23). 2. The sun, moon, and stars were appointed their functions at that time (see Ps. 8:3).

13 1. Sun, Moon, and Stars Possibilities {32} 3. The sun was already in existence but was obscured by clouds or volcanic dust and was not visible or fully functional until the fourth day. The text does not seem clearly to endorse or rule out any of these interpretations.

14 The Creation Completed 2. Air, Water, and Land Animals Genesis 1:21, 25 NKJV “So God created great sea creatures and every living thing that moves, with which the waters abound…and every winged bird…. And God Made the beast of the earth…, cattle…and everything that creeps on earth according to its kind.”

15 2. Air, Water, and Land Animals Diversity {33} Both water creatures and air creatures are mentioned in the plural, indicating that a diversity of organisms was created on the fifth day. Each creature was blessed with the capacity to be fruitful and multiply.

16 2. Air, Water, and Land Animals Diversity {33} Diversity was present from the beginning. There was no single ancestor from which all other species descended, but each species seems to have been endowed with the possibility of producing varieties of individuals.

17 2. Air, Water, and Land Animals “According to Their Kind” {34} Terrestrial animals and humans were created on the sixth day. The wording of the text indicates that a plurality of types was created on the sixth day of Creation. There is no single ancestor of all land animals; God, instead, created many distinct and separate lineages.

18 2. Air, Water, and Land Animals “According to Their Kind” {34} Some have attempted to use “according to their kind” to support the idea of fixed “kinds,” an idea taken from Greek philosophy. The ancient Greeks thought that each individual was an imperfect expression of an unchanging ideal, known as a type.

19 2. Air, Water, and Land Animals “According to Their Kind” {34} Yet, the fixity of species is not consistent with the biblical teaching that all of nature suffers from the curse of sin (Rom. 8:19–22). We know that species have changed, as expressed in the curses of Genesis 3. The meaning of “according to their kind” is best understood by examining the context in which it is used.

20 The Creation Completed 3. The Seventh Day Sabbath Genesis 2:1-3 NKJV “Thus the heavens and the earth…were finished. And on the seventh day God ended His work which He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work…. Then God blessed…and sanctified it, because in it He rested….”

21 3. The Seventh Day Sabbath Creation Completed {35} After the Creation was completed in six days, we find the first mention in the Bible of the seventh day. The Hebrew word for rest in this text is shabath, which is closely related to the word for Sabbath. It indicates a cessation of labor upon completion of a project.

22 3. The Seventh Day Sabbath Creation Completed {35} God was not weary and in need of rest; He was finished with His work of creating and so He stopped. God’s special blessing rests on the seventh day. It is not only “blessed” but also “sanctified,” which carries the idea of being set apart and specially devoted to God.

23 3. The Seventh Day Sabbath Creation Completed {35} Humans needed the communion with their Maker in order to understand their place in the universe. The wisdom of this provision for rest became even more evident after sin. We need the Sabbath rest in order to prevent us from losing sight of God and getting caught up in materialism and overwork.

24 The Creation Completed Final Words {37} Some have questioned whether the days were ordinary days or much longer periods of time. The days are composed of an evening (dark period) and a morning (light period) and are consecutively numbered. The days are expressed in a way that very clearly shows that they are days just as we now experience them.

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