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Ms. Angela Salmo B.A. Policy Official Ministry of Social Affairs & Public Housing Paramaribo – Suriname September 26 th – 27 th 2013 Third Caribbean Workshop.

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Presentation on theme: "Ms. Angela Salmo B.A. Policy Official Ministry of Social Affairs & Public Housing Paramaribo – Suriname September 26 th – 27 th 2013 Third Caribbean Workshop."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ms. Angela Salmo B.A. Policy Official Ministry of Social Affairs & Public Housing Paramaribo – Suriname September 26 th – 27 th 2013 Third Caribbean Workshop on Social Protection & International Cooperation Barbados

2 Background The main reason for the development of this program is the social contract 2010 – 2015 the Government signed with the Surinamese people; After the field visits & workshops outside of Suriname that is organized by the OAS, it is in the economic area necessary to work towards poverty reduction; In the social sphere to increase the living standard for everyone in Suriname.

3 2011 - 2013 2011 Increase pensions; 2012 Signed a contract with the IDB for US$15 million for CCT (Bromki fu tamara = Flowers from tomorrow) (PMT, poverty research, help people who are living in poverty); October 2012 Free entry in elementary school and after school care; Since June 2013 free medical care for children between 0 – 16 years old & elderly; Since august 2013 case management in dropbox.

4 Program objectives & status A. The overall objective is to empower people: 1. The Ministry is responsible for the common good, in particular the social care for seniors citizens, physical & & mentally disabled, and youth including care for the under the supervision of the State asked young people; 2. The general social work; 3. The supervision of orphanages, boarding schools and similar social institutions;

5 Cont’d 4. The general social community work including promoting indirect actions aimed at the improvement of the living and quality of life; 5. The social insurance, some in collaboration with the relevant ministries, as well as social security and the social security; 6. The promotion of housing 7. The management and allocation of public housing.

6 Cont’d B. Digital registration systems & data processing; C. A monitoring & evaluation system for the intangible care & guidance; D. How to measure poverty in Suriname.

7 Phase of implementation The program started in May 2013 and will end May 2014. - For the design of the program a steering and working group has been installed within the ministry; - In period October 2013 – February 2014 we will do the mapping social workers within the ministry. This in cooperation with the Unicef - In period October 2013 - May 2014 the steering committee will work towards an Surinamese child Protection System in Suriname. This in cooperation with the UNDP; - In the period October 2013 – May 2014 the steering committee within the ministry will work towards an operation manual for the intangible care and guidance. In the period May – September all the preparation has been made.

8 Program impact We hope to have: 1. Operation Manual for the intangible care & guidance, so that we can develop better policy 2. Child Protection System in Suriname, so that we collect all data for every element; 3. Mapping Social Workers with the ministry, so that we can develop better policy

9 Sustainability Every year budgets are being approved by the National Assembly. The program is already as a policy measure. On regular basis there are meetings, interim evaluations, field visits and all claims are tracked.


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