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Postgraduate Study in Economics: Hints for Economics Undergraduates GUIDE TO SUCCESS AT INTERVIEWS.

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Presentation on theme: "Postgraduate Study in Economics: Hints for Economics Undergraduates GUIDE TO SUCCESS AT INTERVIEWS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Postgraduate Study in Economics: Hints for Economics Undergraduates GUIDE TO SUCCESS AT INTERVIEWS

2 GUIDE TO SUCCESS AT INTERVIEWS Preparation for the interview The day of the interview Learn from feedback 2

3 PREPARATION FOR THE INTERVIEW Make sure you are well informed about current events that relate to the firm or job For example, what is the state of the economy, unemployment rate, inflation rate, eurocrisis, market conditions, etc. Regularly read a major newspaper that has comment 3

4 PREPARATION FOR THE INTERVIEW They will use your CV/application as a basis for some questions. Make sure you know your CV and can back up any claims. Make sure you know a lot about the firm, government department and the job. Do some detailed research Have prepared questions about the job. What are the tasks, training, progresssion in the job (ie will you be given more responsibility) 4

5 Think about why you want the job and have a good story Think about the skills necessary for the job and how you can show that you have the skills, eg numeracy, data handling, communication, problem solving, analytical skill, team work under stress Have examples (two for each skill?) of where you have used such skills and do not use the same example each time, eg last year’s internship QUESTIONS THEY MAY ASK 5

6 Give yourself plenty of time to get there Be positive about yourself and your achievements However, do not over sell yourself. You will not be in charge of the company in the near future. Dress appropriately It is difficult to be a different person to your natural character. Be yourself THE INTERVIEW DAY 6

7 Go into the room and look at the interviewers Answer their questions directly Keep eye contact with the person asking the question but look at the others Do not be weird! Do not give too short an answer. They will be trained to ask more than yes/no questions THE INTERVIEW 7

8 Do not give too long an answer. They will ask for detail if necessary If they ask a question you have not expected or totally floors you. Give yourself time to think. This is good, they do not want bull-shitters who say and act too quickly If confused ask for clarification if necessary and relax THE INTERVIEW 8

9 What are your strength and weaknesses? How have you worked in a team? (give examples) How have you worked under stress? (give examples) What do you want to be doing in 5/10 years time? (give examples) THE INTERVIEW - TYPICAL QUESTIONS 9

10 Odd ball questions, have you ever cheated/lied and why? What mistakes have you made in your life? Money or quality of life? THE INTERVIEW- POSSIBLE QUESTIONS 10

11 Prepare yourself well Be yourself, you cannot pretend for a long time CONCLUSION 11

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