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Welcome back! Sound ball!!!! Intro Project Empathy part 1 Empathy part 2 Define Ideate Special Project Wed lunch Prototyping Testing and Iterating Storytelling.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome back! Sound ball!!!! Intro Project Empathy part 1 Empathy part 2 Define Ideate Special Project Wed lunch Prototyping Testing and Iterating Storytelling."— Presentation transcript:


2 Welcome back! Sound ball!!!!

3 Intro Project Empathy part 1 Empathy part 2 Define Ideate Special Project Wed lunch Prototyping Testing and Iterating Storytelling Debrief Demonstrations in evening Thursday lunch Friday Taking it home part 1 Taking it home part 2

4 Empathy Part 2:

5 Explore Emotions Intro Yourself Build Rapport Evoke Stories Intro Project About interviewing: 1)Open-ended questions 2)Follow-up with ‘why’? 3)Go for stories and feelings. “Tell me about a time when…” “How did you feel today when….” “Tell me more about…”

6 Intro Yourself Build Rapport Evoke Stories Intro Project Explore Emotions 1)Open-ended questions 2)Follow-up with ‘why’? 3)Go for stories and feelings. What do you want to learn more about your peers? Possible topics: sportsfamily after-schooldreamsfuture career nicknamestransportationfood entertainment

7 Intro Yourself Build Rapport Evoke Stories Intro Project Explore Emotions 1)Open-ended questions 2)Follow-up with ‘why’? 3)Go for stories and feelings. What do you want to learn more about your peers? Possible topics: sportsfamily after-schooldreamsfuture career nicknamestransportationfood entertainment Prepare questions to ask a peer on this topic. Ask good questions! (2 min)

8 Intro Yourself Build Rapport Evoke Stories Intro Project Explore Emotions 1)Open-ended questions 2)Follow-up with ‘why’? 3)Go for stories and feelings. Ask a peer your questions on this topic. Don’t forget to follow-up with ‘why’. You have four minutes each. (8 min)

9 Intro Yourself Build Rapport Evoke Stories Intro Project Explore Emotions 1)Open-ended questions 2)Follow-up with ‘why’? 3)Go for stories and feelings. What do you want to learn more about from your user? In your groups, prepare questions to ask your user on this topic. Prepare good questions! (5 min)

10 Intro Yourself Build Rapport Evoke Stories Intro Project Explore Emotions 1)Open-ended questions 2)Follow-up with ‘why’? 3)Go for stories and feelings. Ask your user questions. Don’t forget to follow-up with ‘why’ and go for stories. Take turns being the person asking the questions. (20 min)

11 As a group complete an ‘Empathy Map’ like this one for your user. Fill in the map for what he or she said and did, as well as thought and felt. Fill in based on all you’ve learned from all of your sources. (10 min) say do think feel

12 As a group you are now going to provide more information about your user and what he or she needs. 1)List many adjectives that describe your user. Adjectives are words like smart, quick, humble, hard-working, bored, sad, lonely, happy. (5 min) 2) List what your user ‘needs’. Hint: needs are verbs like ‘to believe in herself’ or ‘to remember his family’ or ‘to be encouraged about the future.’ (5 min) 3) List any surprises or interesting information about your user and your challenge. (2 min)


14 (show POV video) Embrace Define Video


16 As a group, come up with 1-3 Point of View (POV) statements for your user. (15 min including 5 min break when done)

17 Let’s create some “How might we…”s!!! (20 min) HMWs are optimistic, human-centered, generative statements that we will use to brainstorm. Let’s take turns hearing a POV from each group, and coming up with HMWs with them!





22 Brainstorming videos! Bad brainstorm linkBad brainstorm link: WhK-NO4g8 good brainstorm linkgood brainstorm link: W1h5L_0rFz8 W1h5L_0rFz8

23 how to brainstorm: RULES

24 (Warm-up! “yes, and…”) Possible starters: We are going on a trip. We are going to have a party. We are going to the amusement park. (5 min)

25 Warm-up brainstorm: Do a practice brainstorm with your group. Pick one of these topics: How might we encourage our siblings to eat their vegetables? How might we make food shopping more fun for 3 year olds? How might we make exploring nature the biggest reward for college students? (8 min)

26 how to brainstorm: RULES Brainstorm as a group from your ‘How might we’s. Switch to a new HMW when the energy dies down. (30 min)

27 for today VOTE using these 3 selection criteria “Most likely to succeed”Place two votes on the ideas that you think are most likely to successfully address your “how might we” “Most likely to delight your user” Place two votes on the ideas that you think would delight your user “Personal favorite”Place two votes on the ideas that are your personal favorites (5 min)

28 how to brainstorm: RULES Brainstorm as long as you want. For homework: Let me know 2-4 ideas that you are carrying forward as a group tonight by the end of dinner. Please write the ideas on a post-it with your group number! “Most likely to succeed” “Most likely to delight your user” “Personal favorite”

29 how to brainstorm: RULES New Challenge! Brainstorm and test out a new game with your new group. Think about who you are designing for and what you hope this person accomplishes (to learn? To have fun? To move around?). Don’t forget the brainstorming rules! We will share games at 4:30pm! (until 4:30)


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