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Sept. 25, 2012 | Martin B. Sennett, General Manager CNG: Energy of the Future?

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Presentation on theme: "Sept. 25, 2012 | Martin B. Sennett, General Manager CNG: Energy of the Future?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Sept. 25, 2012 | Martin B. Sennett, General Manager CNG: Energy of the Future?

2 Cost of Bus Type of BusPrice Standard Diesel$400,000 Hybrid Diesel/Electric$600,000 Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) $450,000

3 Cost of Fuel Type of FuelPrice Diesel$3.11/gallon CNG with station$2.20/DGE CNG without station$1.50/DGE

4 Historical Price of Diesel YearPrice/gallon% Increase 2007$2.05-- 2008$3.0649.3% 2009$3.266.6% 2010$2.25-31% 2011$2.9229.8% 2012$3.126.9%

5 Average Increase $2.05 to $3.12 10.4% (average over 5 years)

6 Additional Costs Type of BusCapitalOperating Standard DieselNoneUrea after treatment Hybrid Diesel/Electric $150K mid-life to rebuild Urea after treatment CNG$2 million fueling station + $19K mid- life to rebuild No after treatment

7 Hybrid Diesel Electric Option Year% Diesel Buses % Hybrid Buses # of Hybrid 201273%27%20 201551%49%30 201942%58%42 202327%73%53 202716%84%61

8 Hybrid Bus Purchases YearHybrid BusHybrids Purchased Eng/ Tran Rebuild Total Capital 2013$630,00040$2,520,000 2015$694,57520$1,389,150 2019$844,26020$1,688,521 2023$1,026,2042$655,636$2,708,043 2027$1,247,3572$737,924$3,232,638 Total for 15 years41$5,335,402$46,400,000

9 15 Year Fuel Cost with Hybrid Option YearDiesel Miles Hybrid Miles Diesel Gallons Hybrid Gallons Cost Per Gallon Diesel Total Annual Cost 20121,306,849493,151311,15589,664$3.11$1,246,545 2019912,329887,671217,2211,619,395$4.99$1,850,000 2027517,8081,282,192123,288233,126$8.85$2,950,000 Total for 15 Years$31,600,000

10 CNG Option Year# Hybrid# CNG# Diesel 201220053 2015201340 2019202924 2023104518 20270658

11 National Renewable Energy Laboratory Report The following 6 charts are from this report.



14 Energy Information Administration (EIA) - Official Energy Statistics from the U.S. Government.




18 Fuel Consumption with CNG Option YearDiesel Miles Hybrid Miles CNG Miles Diesel Gallons Hybrid Gallons CNG (DGE) Gallons 20121,306,849493,1510311,15589,6640 2019591,781493,151715,068140,90089,664174,407 2027197,26001,602,74046,9670390,912

19 15 Year Fuel Cost (without financing) YearCost Per Gallon Diesel Total Diesel Cost Cost Per Gallon (DE) Total CNG Cost Total Fuel Cost 2012$3.11$1,246,54500 2019$4.99$1,106,654$2.25$419,683$1,526,337 2027$8.58$705,254$3.87$1,372,404$2,077,658 Total for 15 Years$25,348,156

20 15 Year Fuel Cost (with financing) YearCost Per Gallon Diesel Total Diesel Cost Cost Per Gallon (DGE) Total CNG Cost Total Fuel Cost 2012$3.11$1,246,54500 2019$4.99$1,151,432$3.35$583,560$1,734,992 2027$8.58$403,002$5.75$2,247,351$2,650,354 Total for 15 Years$29, 758,153

21 CNG Capital Costs YearCNG Bus CostCNG Purchased Eng/Tran Rebuild Total Capital 2013$472,50070$3,307,500 2015$520,93130$1,562,794 2019$633,19540$2,532,781 2023$769,6534$174,836$3,253,447 2027$935,5185$196,780$4,874,368 Total for 15 years65$1,422,774$46,089,867

22 Summary Options15 Year Fuel Cost Capital CostAdditional Op. Costs Hybrid Diesel $31,600,000$46,400,000 ? CNG Option 1 $29,800,000$46,089,867None CNG Option 2 $25,350,000$48,089,867None

23 Twitter: @gocitybus Internship available! Contact: Martin B. Sennett 765-423-2666

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