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Crestmoor Neighborhood Reconstruction Project Community Meeting January 26, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Crestmoor Neighborhood Reconstruction Project Community Meeting January 26, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Crestmoor Neighborhood Reconstruction Project Community Meeting January 26, 2012

2 Crestmoor Neighborhood Reconstruction Project Introductions

3 Crestmoor Neighborhood Reconstruction Project Provide update to the community on extent and timing of rebuilding efforts Seek input and comment from community Address neighborhood concerns and questions regarding infrastructure and other issues Purpose of Meeting

4 Crestmoor Neighborhood Reconstruction Project Update on status of infrastructure design and construction projects in the neighborhood - Completed/pending construction - Phasing & timing of future phases of work - Undergrounding of utilities - Crestmoor Canyon replanting - Earl/Glenview Park replacement Traffic issues through neighborhood Status of home rebuilding New “Rebuild Crestmoor” website Topics

5 Crestmoor Neighborhood Reconstruction Project Infrastructure Reconstruction Completed & pending projects

6 Crestmoor Neighborhood Reconstruction Project Claremont Drive Concord Fairmont Dr Dr Earl Ave Vermont Way Claremont Drive Glenview Dr Plymouth Way Earl Ave Glenview Dr Phase I Water System Improvements Phase I Sewer Replacement Surface Restoration Completed & Pending Projects Crestmoor Canyon Slope Stability/Retaining Walls

7 Crestmoor Neighborhood Reconstruction Project Earl Ave Claremont Dr Glenview Drive Concord Way Fairmont Dr PG&E Gas Distribution Reconstruction

8 Crestmoor Neighborhood Reconstruction Project Infrastructure Reconstruction Completed & pending projects Future Phases of Work

9 Crestmoor Neighborhood Reconstruction Project Fire Damaged Area Improvements

10 Crestmoor Neighborhood Reconstruction Project Remaining Neighborhood Improvements

11 Crestmoor Neighborhood Reconstruction Project Examples of Enhanced Streetscape & Traffic Calming Measures

12 Crestmoor Neighborhood Reconstruction Project Examples of Enhanced Streetscape & Traffic Calming Measures

13 Crestmoor Neighborhood Reconstruction Project Existing Intersection (Glenview/Claremont) without ADA compliant ramps Intersection with ADA compliant ramps

14 Crestmoor Neighborhood Reconstruction Project Park & Canyon Replanting

15 Crestmoor Neighborhood Reconstruction Project Earl/Glenview Park Replacement Former “pocket” park with small play structure City desires to include public in shaping the vision of the replacement park Timing is function of many factors not yet resolved including: -Integration of park with streetscape enhancements -Infrastructure timing -Real estate issues

16 Crestmoor Neighborhood Reconstruction Project Crestmoor Canyon Replanting Slope stability and erosion control work Arborists & geotechnical engineering recommendations Concept planting plan focused on native species Other options

17 Crestmoor Neighborhood Reconstruction Project Existing Canyon View Native Species Planting Option

18 Crestmoor Neighborhood Reconstruction Project Canyon Replanting – Plant Palette

19 Crestmoor Neighborhood Reconstruction Project Infrastructure Reconstruction Completed & pending projects Future Phases of Work Undergrounding of Utilities

20 Crestmoor Neighborhood Reconstruction Project Undergrounding of Overhead Utilities Some residents expressed early interest City undertook a feasibility study focused on logistics and cost City agreed to present results of study to public Summary of advantages & disadvantages

21 Crestmoor Neighborhood Reconstruction Project Advantages of Undergrounding Aesthetics Could eliminate the need for the PUE and need for utilities to access rear yards Eliminate possibility of downed lines during storms resulting in better safety and more reliable service

22 Crestmoor Neighborhood Reconstruction Project Disadvantages of Undergrounding Some of the lines are major transmission & distribution lines Physical disruption to residents Trading poles for vaults/boxes in yards Cost (~$11.5 million) Long design & approval process (~1 year) Requires trenching on private property & side yards Surface restoration of landscape and hardscape

23 Crestmoor Neighborhood Reconstruction Project Utility vaults and transformers in front yards

24 Crestmoor Neighborhood Reconstruction Project

25 Traffic Response to community concerns upon re- opening the roads to traffic Increased police enforcement Radar trailers and speed surveys Interim solutions Long term solution is the integration of streetscape enhancements that will provide traffic calming effects

26 Crestmoor Neighborhood Reconstruction Project Status of Home Rebuilding 38 destroyed properties 13 home permits issued or under construction 7 in planning/permitting stage 5 are in pre-application stage 13 undetermined status 3 lots owned by PG&E 17 damaged properties 7 have completed repairs 10 permits issued 3 of the 17 homes are owned by PG&E

27 Crestmoor Neighborhood Reconstruction Project

28 Rebuild Crestmoor Website Infrastructure replacement information Rebuilding of homes Construction updates Feedback/comments FAQ Please visit website & sign up for email updates.

29 Crestmoor Neighborhood Reconstruction Project

30 Crestmoor Neighborhood Reconstruction Project

31 Questions

32 Crestmoor Neighborhood Reconstruction Project Thank You

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