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NAVAIR Cold Spray Initiative Update

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1 NAVAIR Cold Spray Initiative Update
Cold Spray Action TEAM CSAT 2014 TIM; Worcester Polytechnic Institute Frederick A. Lancaster AIR S&T Lead June 2014

2 Platform Affordability √
Objective The US Navy has the need to perform dimensional restoration of metallic components caused by corrosion, restoration of material due to wear or damage, and the ability to easily and rapidly repair structures in place on Naval Aircraft. The objective is to develop a metallization process that can be used to facilitate repairs on naval aviation assets at all levels of maintenance. Naval S&T Focus Areas: Affordability √ Maintainability √ Reliability Naval S&T Objectives: Platform Affordability √ Availability √

3 NAVAIR Workforce Development
Engineer 1 Ground Support Engineer 8, Tech 1; Low Pressure unit Engineer 4 Tech 1; Low/High Pressure units Engineer 3 Tech 1; Low Pressure, 2 Robotic High pressure units Engineer 4 Tech 1; Low Pressure 4/16/2017

4 NAVAIR Cold Spray Timeline
Pre-Section 219 Timeframe (5 Years) FY-05 FY-06 FY-07 FY-08 FY-09 FY-10 FY-11 FY-12+ Section 219 S&T Investment 8 F-18 parts back in service 3 H-1 parts back in service 2 approved repair processes 2 new process pending/local approval 5 parts OEM approved (SAC) for rework Gearbox CS Repaired Part Repair Approval Initiate Army Contact Army Collaboration (Demval, Testing, Information Exchange, Project Teaming, DOD Vision) SME Trained SME Pax River Modeling SME SME Trained FRC-East 4 Low pressure CS units Operational All FRC’s w/ full repair capability Technical staff all sites 2 sites high pressure capable SME FRC-SE Trained SME FRC-SW Trained MIL-STD-3021 Cold Spray Spec Cold spray specifications for process Approved Aerospace Powder Spec Developing MIL-PRF-XXXX Aerospace Powder Spec Specifications TRL Level

5 Current Navy Cold Spray Capabilities
NAVAIR Facilities FRC-East. 2 high & 1 low pressure Pax River, low pressure portable FRC Southeast (Jax), low pressure portable FRC Southwest (NI), low pressure portable, 2 high pressure robotic units (fy 14) NAVSEA - NSWCCD Inovati since 2004 - Keyport? NPS - Low Pressure cabinet

6 Technology Assessment
Target Material Applications Air Vehicles Aluminum alloys used for naval aviation applications 7075-T73651 Plate, 7075-T76511 Extruded, 7075-T6 sheet/clad skin, 2024-T3 – sheet/cladskin, A356-T61 Cast, Steel alloys used for naval aviation applications AISI 4130 & AISI 4340, Stainless Steel PH13-8Mo, High Strength Steels (landing gear, arresting hooks), 300M, Aermet 100, AF1410 Magnesium alloys (AZ-91, ZE41A) Titanium (Ti6-4)

7 Partnerships / Collaborations
Direct collaboration with AIR Power & Propulsion AIR Structures AIR NDI (Pax & FRC-SW) Penn State ARL (REPTECH) PMA 265, PMA 299 FRC East, Southeast, Southwest Sikorsky Aircraft, Boeing Aircraft Australian DSTO NSWC Carderock & US Naval Postgrad Partnerships with USMC Corrosion Program NSWC Carderock Materials Engineer/Scientist Rotation NRL Code 35 US Naval Postgrad School, Monterey Army Research Lab AMRDEC TIPS: H-1 Combining Gearbox Repair DLA: IVD Aluminum Repair, Cad Alternative, Hard Chrome Alternative SBIR: Low pressure repairs, two small businesses & academia AERMIP: Low Pressure Portable Metallization FRC-SE, Hole restoration F-18 OSD Corrosion: Portable Robotic System REPTECH- PSU ARL Portable Repair and Restoration of Aluminum and Magnesium Components OSD Mantech-2012 Cold Spray Repair & Rebuild Technology (automated) ONR SBA (NSWC Carderock/NPS) Single Particle Impact Study

8 FY12 Progress FY13 Progress
Key Milestones Achieved All depots operational & workforce trained DT/OT for AMAD Fretting Corrosion Repair Parts released back into fleet DT for AMAD internal damage rebuild repair FRC-East System Upgrade Auxiliary heater installed on CGT Unit. FY13 Progress Key Milestones Achieved Continued flight time for AMAD repairs Upgrade of FRC-E w/ 47kW heater OSD Corrosion Office sponsorship for continued working relation with Australian DSTO. (overall, slow due to sequestration)

9 FY14 Expectations Future: H-60 H-1
Radar Racks, AMAD Gear Hard Chrome Alt, Wing/spar fastener hole repair (ie bushing repair) 20 F-18 Radar Racks est $220K each tot $4.4M IVD Repair: H-60 Canted bulkhead repair (bushing alternative) Gearbox repair (SAC & Australian DSTO) V-22 V-22 Sills est $80K+ each sending back to CP. H-1 Cobox O-Level Repairs FRC independent teams can now perform repairs Continue S&T work at Pax River with FRC’s to expand applications Refine portable repair process (field and depot – roll up to the airframe) Further Navy & Marine Corps Collaborative projects Collaborative engineer rotation set-up with NSWC Carderock

10 Change Authorizations to Date
Local Process Specifications: Authority granted by the cognizant engineering authority at the Fleet Readiness Center (With local Materials & involved competencies concurrence) Engineering Orders from Sikorsky (ORI/(MEO Army)): OEM approval. For Cold Spray the parts to date are for using cold spray aluminum as an alternative to flame spray aluminum, mainly for wear areas, 5 applications.

11 FRC-SW Cold Spray Apps & Repairs
F/A-18E/F AMAD Main Housing (hydraulic pad restoration) LPS F/A-18E/F AMAD Main Housing (gear failure repair) LPS F/A-18E/F AMAD Hydraulic Gearshaft (seal surface repair) LPS F/A-18E/F Main Landing Gear Brake Carrier F/A-18A-D AMAD Housing PTS Axis (fretting repair) F/A-18E/F Radar Rack Assembly (dimensional restoration) F/A-18A-D GCU Tube Flange (pitted repair) F/A-18E/F GCU PMG Shaft (dimensional restoration) F/A-18E/F Wing Panel Fastener Holes (dimensional restore) F/A-18A-D Center Pylon (dimensional restoration) 10. F/A-18E/F Steering Collar Cover (HSS dimensional restore) 11. F/A-18E/F Arresting Hook Pivot (HSS dimensional restore) AMAD = Aircraft Mounted Accessory Drive GCU = Generator Control Unit PTS = Power Take-Off Shaft PMG = Permanent Magnet Group HSS = High-Strength Steel LPS = Local Process Specification Mature In-Process Recently Identified

12 FRC-E Cold Spray Apps & Repairs
H-60 Sump (wear restoration, dimensional repair) SAC ORI H-53 – Five SAC ORI’s for various drivetrain parts. (detail coming) H-1 Combining Gearbox Chafing repair (dimensional) LPS * First Operational Level Repair V-22 Window Sill Corrosion Repair (dimensional) LPS H-60 Gearbox Pad Restoration; Intermediate, Tail, Combining, & Main AMAD = Aircraft Mounted Accessory Drive GCU = Generator Control Unit PTS = Power Take-Off Shaft PMG = Permanent Magnet Group HSS = High-Strength Steel LPS = Local Process Specification Mature In-Process

13 FRC-SE Cold Spray Apps & Repairs
F-18 Bomb Rack Repair (coating repair) LPS GSE Spotting Dolly Pin Coating Repair (coating repair) Engineering Test IVD Aluminum repair AMAD = Aircraft Mounted Accessory Drive GCU = Generator Control Unit PTS = Power Take-Off Shaft PMG = Permanent Magnet Group HSS = High-Strength Steel\ GSE= Ground Support Equipment LPS= Local Process Specification Mature In-Process

14 Current & Future Projects
Yr-13 Yr-10 Yr-11 Yr-12 Aircraft Component &Transition(s) Timeline H-60 Gearbox repairs – Australian Navy/USN/US Army/SAC Repair of Cad & Al Coatings (OSD) UH-1N/AH-1W COMBINING GEARBOX HOUSING REPAIR – PORTABLE (TIPS) FRC-E Dimensional Repair/Aerospace Powder Spec(DLA) UH-1N/AH-1W RING GEAR High Pressure (Section 219) FRC-E F-18 EMI REPAIR – PORTABLE (TBD) UH-1N/AH-1W SUPPORT CASE PAD MOUNT – PORTABLE (TBD) UH-1N/AH-1W CAD ALTERNATIVE ELECTTRICAL CONNECTORS – PORTABLE (TBD) Repair of IVD(DLA) Repair of Cad Alt to Brush Plate (DLA) F-18 E/F/G AMAD Transmission Housing High Pressure Fretting/Dim Rep(Section 219) FRC-SW PSU-ARL Repairability, F-18 (REPTECH) Key H-53 MGB Pad Mounts ( POM15) Corrosion Dimensional/Non-structural Future Structural (Repair within struct limits)

15 Current & Future Projects
Yr-17 Yr-14 Yr-15 Yr-16 Aircraft Component &Transition(s) Timeline Portable Robotic CS - H-60 Intermediate Gearbox repairs – Australian Navy DSTO/USN NAVAIR (OSD Corrosion) UH-1N/AH-1W COMBINING GEARBOX HOUSING REPAIR – PORTABLE (TIPS) FRC-E (Deployment to O-Level) Aerospace Powder Spec(DLA) F-18 EMI REPAIR – PORTABLE (TBD) UH-1N/AH-1W CAD ALTERNATIVE ELECTTRICAL CONNECTORS – PORTABLE (TBD) Repair of Cad Alt to Brush Plate (DLA) Repair of IVD(DLA) Repair of Cad Alt to Brush Plate (DLA) F-18 Wing Spar Fastener Hole Elongation Repair(AERMIP) PSU-ARL Repairability, F-18 (REPTECH) Key Portable Robotic Cold Spray Application Corrosion/Coat Dimensional/Non-structural Structural (Repair within struct limits) To Be Proposed (wish list)

16 Future: Field/FRC Deployable Robotic Systems
Example: Australian DSTO has adapted a robotic cold spray metallization system for Mobile Repair Advantage: Ability to apply CS portably at High Pressures for structural applications or precise repair. Goal: A system that artisan teams can deploy and repair aircraft in the field, operational level, or at the aircraft at the Intermediate level. Worked with RAN under a Coalition Warfare project to further develop this technology for structural applications. Currently awarded an OSD Corrosion effort to further collaboration & demonstration of portable repairs. *Rosebank Engineering presentation “TSS Cold Spray Conference 2010-Cold Spray application in Australian Aerospace Industries-Neil Matthews” DSTO Project

17 S&T Analysis Issues for all materials of interest to the Navy/NAVAIR
Process parameters Repair limitations Coating optimization Powder Surface preparation Spray parameters Coating bond strength Coating cohesion Post-coating preparation Sealing Welding Machining Microstructural characterization Metallurgical bond Dislocation density Coating formation Mechanical properties (comparison to existing technology) Residual stress Fatigue Corrosion Evaluation/Development of NDT Significance of Flaws Specifications and Requirements Fitness for service acceptance criteria & logistics In-service repair Safety/Environmental concerns Application based cost benefit analysis Modeling, process & materials Logistics constraints Material Equipment Need to tie fundamental understanding of process parameters/operating envelope to coating properties

18 Hierarchy of Cold Spray Application Projects
$COST$ CAPABILITIES RISK/COMPLEXITY Advanced Powder/Alloy Development Structural Corrosion & Dimensional Non-Structural

19 Approach Develop Qualify Check Assure Establish Procedure(s)
Develop Process(es) & Equipment NRL, ARL, NSWC-Carderock, Industry, Academia Certify Testing & Results (laboratory) Physical Tests Corrosion Tests Non-destructive Develop Process Certification Procedures/Methods System/Process Functional Tests Apply to aircraft Flight Test

20 Take-Aways All Fleet Readiness Centers are capable of Cold Spray repairs Hardware in place Personnel trained, SME’s in place Active S&T portfolio to support new process applications Still a significant amount of applications & repairs to develop New alloy development still an open technology area. Continue process development, verification & validation, and qualification of applications Next Step: Portable Systems for Depot & Field Use Develop portable repair processes for field and depot – roll up to the airframe in place.

21 Summary Responsive to fleet needs with solutions that keep fleet assets affordable & maintainable Establishing for NAVAIR a solid base to grow from Material & Process Protocols Capabilities Processes Manpower Logistics

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