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F AREWELL TO M ANZANAR Part III – Chapter 22. P ART III – C HAPTER 22 D ISCUSSION How long did it take Jeanne to get the confidence to deal with Manzanar?

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Presentation on theme: "F AREWELL TO M ANZANAR Part III – Chapter 22. P ART III – C HAPTER 22 D ISCUSSION How long did it take Jeanne to get the confidence to deal with Manzanar?"— Presentation transcript:

1 F AREWELL TO M ANZANAR Part III – Chapter 22

2 P ART III – C HAPTER 22 D ISCUSSION How long did it take Jeanne to get the confidence to deal with Manzanar? What family “firsts” did Jeanne accomplish? Where did Jeanne go in April 1972? Who went with her? What did the place look like? What did Jeanne feel and hear? What was Jeanne thinking about as she looked around?

3 P ART III – C HAPTER 22 D ISCUSSION What inscription did Jeanne read on the flagpole circle and what was the significance? What was Jeanne thinking about her oldest daughter? How did the trip help Jeanne? What did Jeanne remember and what did it signify?

4 P ART III – C HAPTER 22 A NALYSIS – D ISCUSS ALL QUESTIONS WITH YOUR GROUP THEN CHOOSE THREE TO ANSWER INDIVIDUALLY ( PARAGRAPH EACH ) Why does Jeanne learn to twirl the baton instead of taking Ordori lessons? How is Jeanne first introduced into racial bigotry? In what ways does she try to fit in a schools after leaving Manzanar? Write a character sketch of Woody. Why does Jeanne consider him a surrogate father? Why are the bombings of Pearl Harbor and Hiroshima so difficult for Pap? How does he respond to both? Think back to his response about who should win the war – how should he have answered? Define issei, sansei, and nisei. Why are the difference between the three generations important enough for the Japanese to give each group its own name? Many people believe that life is full of hardships and it is a person’s job to learn to deal with problems. In what ways might it be difficult for a family to overcome the hardships they suffer trying to rebuild their lives after Manzanar that the same family trying to rebuild after losing their home in a natural disaster (like a tornado)?

5 BONUS In your opinion, can segregation and internment of a select group of people ever happen in America again? Why or why not?

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