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Islam  Submission to the one God, Allah  The world’s fastest-growing and second-largest religion  Central teachings are derived from the Quran, the.

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Presentation on theme: "Islam  Submission to the one God, Allah  The world’s fastest-growing and second-largest religion  Central teachings are derived from the Quran, the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Islam  Submission to the one God, Allah  The world’s fastest-growing and second-largest religion  Central teachings are derived from the Quran, the primary sacred text and Islam’s earthly center.  Muhammad, the final prophet,. exemplifies human perfection.

2 Muhammad  Muhammad was born about 570 c.e. into the leading tribe of Mecca..  Muhammad was an orphan and was raised by his uncle.  He was a hard-working boy, honest and dependable who began his life as a shepherd and later went into the trading business.  He was a caravan manager for a wealthy widow, Khadija, whom he eventually married.  Muhammad was 25 and Khadija was about 40!  They had at least 6 children and a long and happy marriage.

3 Muhammad as a prophet  The angel Gabriel commanded Muhammad to “recite”!  Citizens of Mecca were hostile to the message.  Muhammad fled north to Yathrib, (Medina)  This was known as the Hijra, an event on which the Muslims base their calendar.  Most of Arabia were converted to Islam by the time of Muhammad’s death in 632.

4 Allah  Muslims have 99 names for Allah or God.  Prophets are the link between people and Allah.  Abraham is the father of the Arab people.  Moses and Jesus are also revered.  Muhammad is the last and the “seal” of the prophets.  Muslims consider human nature as essentially good, sin occurs when people forget their natural goodness.

5 Th e Five Pillars of Islam  Confession of faith in one God and acknowledgment of Muhammad as a unique prophet.  Prayer 5 times a day.  Fasting during Ramadan  Wealth sharing - 2.5 percent of their gross income.  Pilgrimage to Mecca once in a person’s life..

6 Social Teachings  Shariah Law - Divine law governing most Islamic countries.  Islam regards men and women as equals but with different roles.  Jihad represents the struggle of individuals and society to act in accordance with shariah law.

7 Mecca

8 The Hajj

9 Expansion and Varieties of Islam  Within one century after Muhammad’s death, Islamic civilization spread throughout the Middle East, Persia, North Africa, and almost all of Spain.  Currently, the greatest concentration of Muslims is across the northern half of Africa, all of the Middle East, southwestern and South Asia, and the islands of Malaysia and Indonesia.  Islam is the fastest growing religion in the United States.

10 Sunni and Shi/ism  The majority of Muslims are Sunni.  They follow the established custom, or sunnah, meaning the Sunnah of the prophet, Muhammad.  Shi/ism believes in Imams. They are religious leaders who are direct descendants of Muhammad.  Iran and Iraq are Shi’ites.

11 Sufi’s  The term comes from the Islam’s word, suf -the coarse wool garment that is worn by Sufis.  Sufism strives to experience Allah as immanent - dwelling within each worshipper.  The Sufi experiences oneness with Allah and gains spiritual fortitude.  Sufis are not necessarily popular among Muslims.  Sufis live monastic lives with a shaykh as their head.

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