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Submission to the Will of God.  Broken up into tribes led by a sayid (chief).  Pagan societies with many gods.  All identity of an Arabic person was.

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Presentation on theme: "Submission to the Will of God.  Broken up into tribes led by a sayid (chief).  Pagan societies with many gods.  All identity of an Arabic person was."— Presentation transcript:

1 Submission to the Will of God

2  Broken up into tribes led by a sayid (chief).  Pagan societies with many gods.  All identity of an Arabic person was connected to their:  Tribe  Hasab  Blood relatives  Nasab  Unquestioned allegiance to tribe and blood resulting in all decisions being made by the chief and a strong sense of community.

3  Born 570 AD.  Raised by his uncle who was the clan leader.  Hears the voice of God, Allah, through the angel Gabriel.  Starts a new religion.  Writes the Quran, holy book, until his death.  Considered the actual word of God.  Converts his family and clan to Islam.


5  613 AD  begins to spread monotheistic religion based on the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad.  Muhammad is a near perfect human being and NOT god.  God is Allah  Muhammad lived in the city of Mecca  Holy City  Exiled from Mecca and fled to holy city of Medina.  Fought battles with Mecca, won, and returned to the city.  More than a religion  new movement that transforms society and becomes an entire culture.

6  Beautiful Arabic poetry delivered by Muhammad who was illiterate.  Made it more impressive.  Not considered a new religion, but the last religion and revelation by the god of Moses, Abraham and Jesus to correct errors.  Preaches salvation by submitting to the practice of Islam.


8 1. Faith: God is Allah and Muhammad is his messenger 2. Prayer: 5 times a day facing Mecca 3. Charity: Give to the poor when possible 4. Fasting: No eating between sunrise and sunset during the month of Ramadan 5. Pilgrimage: Go to Mecca during a person’s lifetime.

9  Islam practices based on the:  Quran  holy book. Written by Muhammad based on the word of Allah.  Hadith  Saying of Muhammad  Suna  Actions of Muhammad

10  Sharia Law  big universal laws (morals)  Fiqh  more specific laws  From the Quran, sunna, or hadith  Fatwa  judgment of a religious scholar on everyday situations.  Issued now!  Islamic Countries  claim to follow Sharia law in a very traditional and strict manner.  Iran, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia  Islamicate countries  follow the religion of Islam but use western laws.  Egypt, Turkey

11  In 100 years spread from Spain to India.  Ruled by caliphs, rulers, of the provinces set up by Islam.  Incorporated Arabic customs into religion which became law.  Internal conflict and external conflicts begin.


13  Islam spread through preaching and Bedouin fighters.  Spread across Asia, Africa and Europe.  Adat  Arabic word meaning that cultural norms and habits became absorbed into Islam.  Clothing, arranged marriages, language etc.

14  Muhammad dies in 632 AD and does not say who should be in charge next.  Sunni followers not of the blood line  (85% of Muslims)  Believe Muhammad was the last prophet  Shi’ite are followers of the blood line.  Believe prophets have followed Muhammad and are related to him.  EXTREME hate for each other.


16  Crusades (religious wars), war with the Mongols, and colonization.  Britain and France began to colonize the Middle East in the early 1900s.  Forced cultural norms to change.  Belief in the caliph  Belief in the community  Belief in tribal allegiance  Belief in Islam


18  Oppose western culture due to it being secular (not religions) and individualistic (not tribal).  Countries and boundaries were created which split up the Islamic Empire (forced tribal split).  Palestinian Arabs believe Israel to be rightfully theirs and the British gave it to the Jews.  Muslim society and culture systematically destroyed.


20 1. Westerners were/are ignorant of tribes and conflict. 2. Westerners were arrogant to decide their future during colonialism. 3. Israel was stolen from them. 4. Muslims believe they should be governed by Allah and they fell away from Islamic purity with western influence.

21  Marriage:  Marriage is considered a political contract. It is NOT based on love. Arranged marriages can occur at the time of puberty for boys and girls.  Polygamy:  Quran allows up to 4 wives. Not seen as mistreatment of women. Cultural norm before Islam.

22 1. Struggle within to become a better Muslim 2. Struggle to spread the faith by word of mouth. 3. Struggle by the sword to defend the faith if it is being directly attacked. 1. Cannot kill women and children. 2. Extremists have justified violence based on jihad of the sword. 1. Majority of Muslims do not agree with the violence!

23  Salafiist  Someone who wants Islam to go back to how it was in the 1 st 100 years. Very traditional, radical, and extreme.  Taliban, Iran, Al Qaeda, etc.  First 100 years seen as glory days due to the spread of the Empire under the “Four Rightly Guided Caliphs.”

24  Muhammad defied Arabic culture by giving women a more equal role.  Women general in his army  Women debated the Quaran openly  Women were allowed to pray with men  Women’s roles are considered equal in nature to a man because they are equal in labor and time.  Role based society  men and women have different roles.  Some Arabic cultures mistreat women due to cultural norms, NOT Islam.



27  Muslims use the black stone called the Ka’aba as symbols and a shrine to Allah.  Muslims speak Arabic  Their Holy Day is Friday  Symbol is a crescent moon and star.  Dome of the Rock is a holy place where Muhammad rose into heaven



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