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Secure Unlocking of Mobile Touch Screen Devices by Simple Gestures – You can see it but you can not do it Arjmand Samuel Microsoft Research Muhammad Shahzad.

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Presentation on theme: "Secure Unlocking of Mobile Touch Screen Devices by Simple Gestures – You can see it but you can not do it Arjmand Samuel Microsoft Research Muhammad Shahzad."— Presentation transcript:

1 Secure Unlocking of Mobile Touch Screen Devices by Simple Gestures – You can see it but you can not do it Arjmand Samuel Microsoft Research Muhammad Shahzad Alex X. Liu Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering Michigan State University

2 Security Sensitive Information in Mobile Device
Muhammad Shahzad

3 PIN/Password based Authentication
Shoulder surfing Smudge attack Muhammad Shahzad

4 Gesture based Authentication (GEAT)
Not What they input but How they input Resilient to Should surfing attack Smudge attack Requires no extra hardware Scientific foundation: human behavior tends to be consistent in same context. J. A. Ouellete and W. Wood. Habit and intention in everyday life: The multiple processes by which past behavior predicts future behavior. Psychological Bulletin, 124(1):54-74, July 1998. Muhammad Shahzad

5 Gestures for Authentication
Muhammad Shahzad

6 Data Collection and Analysis

7 Data Collection Recruited 50 volunteers
Ages between 19 and 55 students, faculty, corporate employees Gave phones with data collection app to volunteers Data collection app Asked users to perform gestures shown on screen Stored the samples in a cloud based storage Muhammad Shahzad

8 2 3 4 1 5 6 7 8

9 Gesture Features Stroke time Inter-stroke time Displacement magnitude
Displacement direction Velocity magnitude Velocity direction Device Acceleration Stroke time Displacement Magnitude Displacement Direction Inter-Stroke time Muhammad Shahzad

10 Stroke, Inter-stroke times
Muhammad Shahzad

11 Displacement Magnitude
Muhammad Shahzad

12 Velocity Magnitude Volunteer 1 Volunteer 2 Muhammad Shahzad

13 Device Acceleration Volunteer 1 Volunteer 2 Muhammad Shahzad

14 GEAT Working Mechanism

15 How GEAT works Collect training samples Generate classification model
Securely unlock the phone Muhammad Shahzad

16 Classification Model Noise removal Features for classification
Classifier training and Gesture ranking Muhammad Shahzad

17 Simple Moving Average (Low Pass Filter)
Noise Removal Simple Moving Average (Low Pass Filter) Muhammad Shahzad

18 Features for Classification
Features used Stroke time Inter-stroke time Displacement magnitude Displacement direction Velocity magnitude Velocity direction Device Acceleration Stroke based features Sub-stroke based features Muhammad Shahzad

19 Feature Selection Selected Discarded Muhammad Shahzad

20 Classifier training Single class classification
Support Vector Distribution Estimation (SVDE) RBF kernel Grid search for optimal classifier parameters Gesture Ranking Muhammad Shahzad

21 Securely unlocking the device
Accepted Rejected Accepted Majority Voting Decision: Accepted Muhammad Shahzad

22 Handling Multiple Behaviors
Segregate the samples from different behaviors Generate Minimum Variance Partitions Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering Wards Linkage Train classifiers for each cluster Test an unknown sample against each cluster Muhammad Shahzad

23 Experimental Evaluation

24 Accuracy Evaluation Single gesture Three gestures Avg EER Avg EER
4.8% with DA 6.8% without DA Avg EER 1.7% with DA 3.7% without DA Muhammad Shahzad

25 Multiple Behaviors Muhammad Shahzad

26 Effect of System Parameters
Muhammad Shahzad

27 Conclusion Proposed a gesture based authentication scheme
Improves security and usability Resilient to shoulder surfing attacks and smudge attacks Handles multiple user behaviors Evaluation through simulations and real world experiments More in the paper Detailed data analysis Technical details of extracting multiple behaviors determining duration and locations of sub-strokes classifier training more evaluation Muhammad Shahzad

28 Questions? Muhammad Shahzad

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