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Islam By Victor, Michael, Bonnie, Kathy. Beginning Muhammad started the religion in the 7 century in 610, Muhammad in a age of 40, he is meditating in.

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Presentation on theme: "Islam By Victor, Michael, Bonnie, Kathy. Beginning Muhammad started the religion in the 7 century in 610, Muhammad in a age of 40, he is meditating in."— Presentation transcript:

1 Islam By Victor, Michael, Bonnie, Kathy

2 Beginning Muhammad started the religion in the 7 century in 610, Muhammad in a age of 40, he is meditating in a cave in Hira. He had a Vision of a Angel Jibra'eel, the angle told him to Recite, but Mahammad refuse 3 times until the angle said recite in the name of the lord who create. Then Mahammad start Teaching about the oneness God in Makkah. Mahammad Died in the Age of 62

3 Spread Islam Religion Spread by the Muslims conquering more and more countries. As they conquer countries, the people follow the ways of other people and soon they become those people and teach other people. This cycle continues. The spread started around 613 CE.

4 Symbols

5 Major holidays or festivals Ramadan: N inth month of the Islamic calendar. Adults Muslims do not smoke, eat, or drink during the festival. Id ul- Adha: Animals are slaughtered to benefit the impoverished Maulid al- Nabi: Celebrates the birth of Muhammad celebrating Maulid al- Nabi Id ul- Adha

6 Sacred or holy texts Qu-ran (Koran): Most sacred text, as it is believed to be the literal word of God revealed to Muhammad Hadith: Secondary text that records saying of Muhammad Qu-ran Hadith

7 Core Beliefs Muslims are instructed to believe in Qur'an: There is only one true God He revealed His book - the Qur'an - to the prophet Muhammad There is a final day of judgment Muslims believe that Muhammad is the last of a line of respected prophets. Divine Judgment: Muslims believe that God controls person's birth, time of death, and their path through life. When they die, their soul returns to God Last Day - the end of the world - God will bring all living things to life for their final reward/punishment People who lived a worthy life will go to Jannab - garden of eternity Others will be condemned to Jahannam - hell

8 Supreme Being God is supreme being of Islam as the religion since start of universe creation. Monotheistic: Muslims emphasizes that "there is no God but He" (Allah) -- He always existed, and will always exist. Allah, He alone is the sustainer and creator of the universe He doesn't have partners, children, or associates He is the Most Merciful, Most Wise, Most Just, all hearer, all seer, and the all knowing. He is the First, and He is the Last

9 Sects: It means pluralism - diversity of thoughts and freedom to various faiths. While under Muhammad, Muslim remained largely uniformly united and monotheistic But after him, they became polytheistic by developing various schools and thoughts and faiths.

10 End of Life The Muslims think when the people died, all the dead will raised and judge by God The good ones will go to paradise and the others will go to Fire People will washed the dead bodies and wrapped in a white shroud. The bodies need to be buried a soon a possible after these steps.

11 Citations Breuilly, Elizabeth, Joanne O'Brien, and Martin Palmer. Religions of theworld: the illustrated guide to origins, beliefs, traditions & festivals. New York: Facts On File, 2005. Print. "Monotheism � One God." The Religion of Islam. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Dec. 2014.. "Islamic Sacred Textxs." Sacred Texts of Islam: Quran and Hadith. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Dec. 2014.

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