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Islam -World’s second largest religion -Third of the three major Abrahamic religions -Followers known as Muslims -Prophet Muhammad -Monotheistic -Submission.

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Presentation on theme: "Islam -World’s second largest religion -Third of the three major Abrahamic religions -Followers known as Muslims -Prophet Muhammad -Monotheistic -Submission."— Presentation transcript:

1 Islam -World’s second largest religion -Third of the three major Abrahamic religions -Followers known as Muslims -Prophet Muhammad -Monotheistic -Submission to the will of God

2 Five Pillars of Islam : 1. Creed (Shahadah): “There is no god but God. Muhammad is his messenger. 2. Pray five times a day (Salah) 3. Charity (Zakat) 4. Fasting (Sawm) during Ramadan 5. Pilgrimage (Hajj)

3 Other Core Beliefs Allah Muhammad Angels Judgement Qadar Iman & Ishan

4 Holy Books The Qur’an Hadith

5 Muslim Practices Mosque Imam Jihad Burqa

6 Arabia Before Islam

7 Nomadic Bedouin tribes Largely arid Towns and cities: eg. Mecca and Medina Judaism; Christianity; animism

8 Muhammad Born in 570, orphaned at early age, brought up by his uncle Worked as merchant, also shepherd At 25, married Khadija At 40 (610), receives first revelations Developed following but persecuted in Mecca Fled to Medina in 622 (Hijra) Conquered Mecca in 630 Died in 632

9 The Caliphate Caliph (successor) Caliphate: Government of the Islamic community (Umma) 632 – 661: The Four Rightly-Guided Caliphs

10 The Spread Of Islam Uthman’s caliphate was marked by opposition, chiefly lead by Egyptians and centred around Muhammad’s cousin and son-in-law Ali. Uthman tried to negotiate to avoid civil war between Muslims, but was assassinated in his home. According to some Muslim sources, Ali was the only person born in the Kaaba sanctuary in Mecca, the holiest place in Islam, and was the first male to accept Muhammad’s message. Conflict between the supporters of Ali and of Uthman lead to the first bloodshed between Muslims. In 661, Ali was attacked one morning while worshipping in the mosque of Kufa (in Iraq), and died a few days later. Ali’s son came to a truce with rebel leader Muawiyah I, who established a new caliphate that was a hereditary dynasty, rather than an elected monarchy. The Umayyad Caliphate lasted from 661–750. It was succeeded by the Abbasid Caliphate (750–1258), which was ended when the Mongols invaded, and gave way to the Ottoman Empire (1299-1922), centered in Istanbul (aka Constantinople). The Empire was ended after World War One, when Turkey established itself as an independent nation.

11 Muslim Denominations Sunni & Shia

12 Islam today 1.6 billion followes Largest Islamic country is Indonesia Islamic revival since the 1970s

13 Islamism Sharia Restoration of the Caliphate Elimination of non-Islamic influences in the Islamic world Salafism Wahhabism Jihadism

14 Sharia Moral code and religious law

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