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© 2011 Delmar, Cengage Learning Chapter 7 Working with Distortions, Gradient Meshes, Envelopes, and Blends.

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Presentation on theme: "© 2011 Delmar, Cengage Learning Chapter 7 Working with Distortions, Gradient Meshes, Envelopes, and Blends."— Presentation transcript:

1 © 2011 Delmar, Cengage Learning Chapter 7 Working with Distortions, Gradient Meshes, Envelopes, and Blends

2 Objectives Edit colors and distort objects Work with gradient meshes Work with envelopes Create blends © 2011 Delmar Cengage Learning

3 Edit Colors and Distort Objects Illustrator provides a number of effects that you can use to alter the shape of an object. The Pucker & Bloat effect adjusts the segments between an object’s anchor points. © 2011 Delmar Cengage Learning

4 Edit Colors and Distort Objects © 2011 Delmar Cengage Learning Before Pucker effect After Pucker effect; segments appear curved inward Original shape of object is evident by bounding box

5 Edit Colors and Distort Objects The Bloat effect is achieved by moving the segments outward and the anchor points inward. © 2011 Delmar Cengage Learning

6 Edit Colors and Distort Objects © 2011 Delmar Cengage Learning Before Bloat effect After Bloat effect— segments are moved outward

7 Edit Colors and Distort Objects The Twist effect rotates an object more sharply in the center than it does at the edges, creating a whirlpool effect. © 2011 Delmar Cengage Learning

8 Edit Colors and Distort Objects © 2011 Delmar Cengage Learning Before Twist effect After Twist effect; center is rotated more than edges

9 Edit Colors and Distort Objects The Edit Colors commands on the Edit menu are very useful for quickly applying color changes to objects. The changes are applied directly to the objects; they are not effects. © 2011 Delmar Cengage Learning

10 Edit Colors and Distort Objects You can saturate colors or desaturate colors in an illustration. You can also use the Convert to Grayscale and Blend Front to Back commands. © 2011 Delmar Cengage Learning

11 Edit Colors and Distort Objects © 2011 Delmar Cengage Learning Blend Colors Front to Back

12 Edit Colors and Distort Objects © 2011 Delmar Cengage Learning Saturate filter intensifies color Convert to Grayscale filter removes all chromatic color

13 Work with Gradient Meshes The Mesh tool and the Create Gradient Mesh command can be used to transform a basic object into a mesh object. A mesh object is a single, multicolored object in which colors can flow in different directions, and colors transition gradually from point to point. © 2011 Delmar Cengage Learning

14 Work with Gradient Meshes When you create mesh objects, multiple mesh lines crisscross the object. Mesh points are diamond-shaped and work like anchor points. –Can be assigned a color –When assigned, color flows outward from point © 2011 Delmar Cengage Learning

15 Work with Gradient Meshes © 2011 Delmar Cengage Learning Area between four mesh points is a mesh patch. Apply color to all four mesh points simultaneously by applying color to patch. Mesh line Mesh patch Mesh line Mesh point

16 Work with Gradient Meshes You can apply opacity settings to a mesh point on a gradient mesh. Select one or more points on the mesh, then drag the slider in the Transparency panel. © 2011 Delmar Cengage Learning

17 Work with Gradient Meshes Mesh points can be added, deleted, and moved along mesh line without altering mesh shape. Manipulate anchor points’ direction lines to alter shape of mesh. © 2011 Delmar Cengage Learning

18 Work with Gradient Meshes © 2011 Delmar Cengage Learning The shape of the mesh is manipulated by direction lines. Mesh points can be moved, just like anchor points.

19 Work with Gradient Meshes You can create a mesh object from any path. You cannot create a mesh from compound paths or text objects. Use the Mesh tool or apply the Create Gradient Mesh command. © 2011 Delmar Cengage Learning

20 Work with Gradient Meshes The Create Gradient Mesh command creates a mesh object with regularly spaced mesh lines and mesh points. © 2011 Delmar Cengage Learning

21 Work with Gradient Meshes © 2011 Delmar Cengage Learning Create Gradient Mesh dialog box Mesh object deselected

22 Work with Gradient Meshes Once you create a mesh object it can’t be converted back. Complex mesh objects are a memory drain and may effect computer performance. –Better to create a few simple mesh objects rather then a single complex one © 2011 Delmar Cengage Learning

23 Work with Gradient Meshes © 2011 Delmar Cengage Learning Mesh points at the edge of the objects are filled with black Three interior mesh points darkened

24 Work with Envelopes Envelopes are objects used to distort selected objects. Objects take on shape of envelope object. © 2011 Delmar Cengage Learning

25 Work with Envelopes Make envelopes with: Objects you create Preset wrap shapes Mesh objects Use envelopes with compound paths, text objects, meshes, and blends. © 2011 Delmar Cengage Learning

26 Work with Envelopes © 2011 Delmar Cengage Learning Object to be distorted Top object to be used as an envelope Resulting envelope effect

27 Work with Envelopes Create envelopes with top objects, meshes, and wraps. Create an envelope by using the Envelope Distort command on the Object menu. © 2011 Delmar Cengage Learning

28 Work with Envelopes Make with Warp – 15 premade shapes Make with Mesh – same as gradient. meshes made with Mesh Tool. Make with Top Object – top most selected object. © 2011 Delmar Cengage Learning

29 Work with Envelopes An envelope created using a warp. © 2011 Delmar Cengage Learning

30 Work with Envelopes Envelopes can distort objects with linear gradient fills or pattern fills. Click the Distort Linear Gradients or Distort Pattern Fills in Envelope Options dialog box to activate. © 2011 Delmar Cengage Learning

31 Work with Envelopes © 2011 Delmar Cengage Learning Set options in the Envelope Options dialog box.

32 Create Blends A blend is a series of intermediate objects and colors between two or more selected objects. © 2011 Delmar Cengage Learning

33 Create Blends Blends are created with: –Blending tool or –Make Blend command © 2011 Delmar Cengage Learning

34 Create Blends Make blends between: –two open paths –two closed paths –objects filled with gradients –blends © 2011 Delmar Cengage Learning

35 Create Blends The fewer the number of steps in a blend, the more distinct each object will be. A large number of steps creates the illusion of being continuous or “smooth.” © 2011 Delmar Cengage Learning

36 Create Blends In Blend Options dialog box select –Specified Steps –Specified Distance –Smooth Color – default option © 2011 Delmar Cengage Learning

37 Create Blends You can create a simple blend between open paths. You can create color effects with a blend and a mask. © 2011 Delmar Cengage Learning Chrome letters created with a blend and a mask

38 Create Blends © 2011 Delmar Cengage Learning You can apply blends to paths.

39 Create Blends Affect the appearance of a blend by manipulating its spine. When blend created, path is drawn between starting and ending objects – referred to as spine and manipulated like a path. © 2011 Delmar Cengage Learning

40 Create Blends Examples: –Add anchor points to spine with Pen tool, then move them with Direct Selection tool –Spine can be replaced by drawing a path with Pen tool, then select it along with any blend and apply the Replace Spine command © 2011 Delmar Cengage Learning

41 Create Blends © 2011 Delmar Cengage Learning Anchor point added and then dragged down to alter blended spine

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