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Types of Maps Mercator Projections Conic Projections

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1 Types of Maps Mercator Projections Conic Projections
Gnomonic Projections Topographic Maps

2 Mercator Projections Mercator Projection
Is a map that has parallel lines of longitude and latitude Flaws Land Near Poles is exaggerated Shapes are correct, but land area is distorted

3 Conic Projections Conic Projection
Is made by projecting points and lines from globe onto a cone. Very Little Distortion, High Degree of accuracy Best for Mapping Small Areas Used to make road and weather maps

4 Gnomonic Projections Gnomonic Projections
is made by projecting points and lines from a globe onto a piece of paper that touches the globe at a single point Distort Directions and Distance Used For Plotting great Circle Routes (Airplanes)

5 Topographic Maps Topographic Maps
Detailed maps that show the hills and valleys of an area Use Lines, Symbols, and Colors to represent change in elevation

6 Map Features Map Legends Map Scales

7 Map Legends Include symbols for both man made and natural features
Specific Colors for Habitats Green for Woods Blue for Water See Appendix D on p. 914


9 Map Scales Ratio of distance on a map to actual distances on the map
3 Types Verbal: “one inch equals one mile” Graphic: consists of a line that represents a certain distance on Earth Fractional: one unit on map represents one unit on Earth Large Ratio: map covering large area (minor detail) Small Ratio: map covering little are (major detail)


11 Isolines An isoline is a line connecting points of equal value.

12 Examples of isolines: (The weather channel loves isolines!) Isotherms:
points of equal temperature Isobar: points of equal barometric (air) pressure Contour: points of equal altitude Concentration of chemicals Anything else you can get a value for. (The weather channel loves isolines!)




16 Rules for Drawing Isolines:
1. Isolines connect points of equal value. 5 5 10 10 10 10 15 15

17 2. Isolines are gentle, curving lines- no sharp corners.
5 5 10 10 10 10 15 15

18 3. Isolines are always closed curves even though the map might only show part of it.

19 4. Isolines NEVER cross- this would mean that one point has two different values. Ex: one spot has two temperatures? 60 ° 50 ° 40 ° 30 ° X 20° Z Y

20 5. Isolines usually are parallel. (They have a parallel trend.)

21 Visualizations of contour lines


23 Gradient Gradient shows how quickly the value changes from one point to another.

24 A gentle (low) gradient changes slowly and the lines are far apart.
A steep (high) gradient changes quickly and the isolines are close together. A gentle (low) gradient changes slowly and the lines are far apart. Steep area Gentle area

25 Making Contours worksheets
Worksheets can be printed from:

26 Highlight data points.

27 Fill in gaps in data.

28 Connect the dots.

29 Go on to the next value.

30 Making a Contour Map II


32 Drawing Contour Maps III


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