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Appreciation chemical convention distinguish entirety scientific superficial theology 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Appreciation chemical convention distinguish entirety scientific superficial theology 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 appreciation chemical convention distinguish entirety scientific superficial theology 1

2 arise diction element emerge epic inter- investigation objection 2

3 process qualitative solution theme attempt distort scope spoil valid 3

4 What is literary analysis Analysis attempts to find truth. The process of analysis is to divide a problem into various parts, for although a whole object is difficult to comprehend at one glance, the parts may be examined more easily, and their natures, functions, and interrelationships may be more fully understood when they are examined one by one. For example, if you have the problem in chemical qualitative analysis of discovering the elements in a chemical solution, you can make only one test on the solution at a time, because if you tried to make all your tests at once you would not be able to control or distinguish your results. 4

5 The analysis of literature is based on the same truth. Although the work you have read is an entirety, you must ask separate questions in order to discover its full meaning and to appreciate it fully. You could not talk about everything in Paradise Lost at once, for example, without being guilty of the greatest superficiality. It is better, in your discussion, to narrow the scope of dramatic action. An attempt to discuss everything at once would most probably distort some things and omit others; results of this sort of investigation are usually wrong or misleading. Truth, however, can emerge only if all possibilities are considered. So your problem in making an analysis is to make the subject small enough so that you can go deeply into it. In other words, you can write a good theme about an almost 5

6 limited part or aspect of the work you have read; but you would find it impossible to discuss everything unless your analysis grew to the length of a book. A serious objection sometimes arises about literary analysis. Although scientific analysis is necessary, it is said that too much literary analysis “spoils” appreciation of a work, or that in making an analysis, you “murder” literature as you analyze it. This objection is not valid, for the purpose of analysis is not to cut up literature like a frog and leave it in pieces. No matter how completely you analyzed a work, the work will remain healthy and untouched. 6

7 Comprehension Questions: True or False? 1.T 2.F 3.F 4.F 5.F 7

8 B. Circle a, b, c or d which best complete the following items. 1.d 2.c 3.c 4.b 5.d 8

9 C. Answer the following questions orally. 2. How is literature analyzed? The process of analysis of literature is to divide it into various parts, for although a whole object is difficult to comprehend at one glance, the parts may be examined more easily, and their natures, functions, and interrelationships may be more fully understood when they are examined one by one. 9

10 3. Are results of general investigation dependable? If your answer is ‘no’, then could you mention the reasons? No, because an attempt to discuss everything at once would most probably distort some things and omit others; results of this sort of investigation are usually wrong and misleading. 10

11 4. What is the disadvantage of literary analysis? A serious objection sometimes arises about literary analysis. Although scientific analysis is necessary, it is said that too much literary analysis “spoils” appreciation of a work, or that in making an analysis, you “murder” literature as you analyze it. 11

12 Part III. Homework Section One: Vocabulary Exercises A. Fill in the blanks with the words from the following table. Make any changes if necessary. 1. narrowed 2. distort 3. comprehensible 4. narrow 5. mislead 6. comprehension 7. Comprehend 8. misleading 12

13 B. Find a single word in the passage that means: 1. comprehend = understand 2. mark off as different = distinguish 3. value highly = appreciate 4. come forth into view = emerge 5. damage = spoil 6. aim = purpose 13

14 C. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words from the list below 1. objectives 2. choice 3. rather 4. taking 5. continue 6. exactness 7. improved 14

15 D. Match the words in column I with their appropriate equivalents in column II. 1.(e) 2.(f) 3.(d) 4.(a) 5.(b) 6.(h) 15

16 Section Three: Reading Comprehension 1.d 2.d 3.a 16

17 Section Four: Translation Practice برای شما این امر مهم است که تجزیه و تحلیل ادبی را مد نظر قرار دهید؛ چه تجزیه و تحلیل یک اثر ادبی وسیله ایست برای فهم و ارزیابی آن اثر و خود هدف نیست. این کار تلاشی صادقانه است از سوی شما به عنوان یک خواننده آثار ادبی جهت کشف حقایق مربوط به آن اثر ادبی نیز برای پی ریزی درک شما بر اساس تفکرات و دانسته های فرد شما، و نه بر اساس واکنشهای مبهم زیبا شناسانه. 17

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