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Defining the Challenge - Transportation and Sustainability Sustainability: Challenges and Economic Opportunities.

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Presentation on theme: "Defining the Challenge - Transportation and Sustainability Sustainability: Challenges and Economic Opportunities."— Presentation transcript:

1 Defining the Challenge - Transportation and Sustainability Sustainability: Challenges and Economic Opportunities

2 Complexity Source: Environmental Protection Administration


4 Transit Market Share Source: adapted from American Public Transportation Association, 2012 Public Transportation Fact Book.

5 Has VMT Peaked? Source: US Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration.

6 Wages

7 Oil Price Affect on VMT Source: Dept. of Energy and Federal Highway Administration

8 Auto Production Source: Commerce Department

9 Future of Propulsion Source: adapted from The Economist February 2001

10 Will this help ?

11 Challenge Enact a visionary transportation / land use policy – Modal-shift and land use decisions must be used to solve transport efficiency, access and choice. Enact visionary energy policy – Solve transport sustainability at the source - - propulsion. – Modal-shift cannot, in and of itself, effect sustainable transport. All modes must “bend the cost curve” – High costs limit user choice, distort decision-making and discourage needed expansions Transform diverse self-interest into “practical engineering”

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