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Permanent Joint Headquarters Strategies for Sharing Best Practices Lt Col Mark Payne PJHQ-J7 Lessons OKX Scott R. Smith DIA-D2X-ES-C.

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Presentation on theme: "Permanent Joint Headquarters Strategies for Sharing Best Practices Lt Col Mark Payne PJHQ-J7 Lessons OKX Scott R. Smith DIA-D2X-ES-C."— Presentation transcript:

1 Permanent Joint Headquarters Strategies for Sharing Best Practices Lt Col Mark Payne PJHQ-J7 Lessons OKX Scott R. Smith DIA-D2X-ES-C

2 Permanent Joint Headquarters Overview  Desired Outcome – Proposed Action  Key Enablers  Overlapping Partnerships  Specific Responsibilities  Proof of Concept  Way Ahead  Probability of Success – Known Risks

3 Permanent Joint Headquarters Desired Outcome – Proposed Action  Desired Outcome: While conducting combined military operations and activities, Reduce loss of life Improve performance Increase resource efficiencies  Proposed Action: Capture, share and exploit combined military best practices and lessons for timely use in… Operations Training Exercises Experimentation

4 Permanent Joint Headquarters Key Enablers Information becomes useful knowledge when it is  Shared among team mates  Managed in an accessible environment  Applied to operational needs

5 Permanent Joint Headquarters Overlapping Partnerships NATO ISAF (or other contingency operation partnerships) FVEY 4 EYES United Nations

6 Permanent Joint Headquarters Best Practice shared and/or Lesson resolved through updates to… Doctrine Organization Training Materiel Leadership Personnel Facilities Policy Resources Specific Responsibilities Best Practice or Lesson Identified Combined Forces Accessible Repository Tactical, Operational or Strategic Implications Tactical Issue: Individual nation responsibility Operational Issue: MNF or ISAF Cmdr responsibility Strategic Issue: Multinational Organization’s responsibility Implement through operations, training, exercises and experimentation Impact of solution

7 Permanent Joint Headquarters  Based on existing 4 EYES HUMINT Memorandum  Establish on SECRET REL network  HUMINT/CI focus  Hosted at UK PJHQ  Requires policy and systems approval/coordination  Has buy-in from US Joint Staff J-7  Ties into recent talks between UK HQ Air Command and US Special Operations Command Proof of Concept 4 EYES

8 Permanent Joint Headquarters Way Ahead  Back briefs to senior leadership (Mar 10)  Functional requirements virtual meetings (Apr-May 10)  On-site JLLIS demonstration (May 10 TBC)  Draft implementation plan to include policy and technical issues (May 10 TBC)  Partners review implementation plan with respective stakeholders (Jun 10)  Establish timeline for installation (Jun 10)

9 Permanent Joint Headquarters Probability of Success – Known Risks  Probability of Success: 85%  Known Risks Low risk: Buy-in from senior leadership Medium risk: Required policy changes/approval Low risk: Technical issues Low risk: Funding. This includes search software and travel funding: a US cost of ~ $500k Low risk: Site hosting. This includes providing hardware, network support and approval to operate on SECRET REL network: a UK responsibility

10 Permanent Joint Headquarters Questions

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