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Bacteria Proteobacteria Purple phototrophic bacteria Bacteriochlorophyll Carotenoids.

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Presentation on theme: "Bacteria Proteobacteria Purple phototrophic bacteria Bacteriochlorophyll Carotenoids."— Presentation transcript:


2 Bacteria

3 Proteobacteria

4 Purple phototrophic bacteria Bacteriochlorophyll Carotenoids




8 Purple Sulfur Bacteria H2SH2SSoSo hydrogen sulfideElemental sulfur


10 Purple sulfur bacteria

11 Purple nonsulfur bacteria Photoheterotrophs

12 Nitrifying Bacteria

13 Nitrosococcus oceani Nitrobacter winogradskyi

14 Ammonia monooxygenase : ammonia to hydroxylamine Nitrite oxidase : nitrite to nitrate

15 Methanotrophs & Methylotrophs Methanotrophs=Obligate aerobes


17 Vibrio and Photobacterium Broza & Halper. Nature. 2001 Jul 5;412(6842):40 Pathogen reservoirs. Chironomid egg masses and Vibrio cholerae Vibrio cholerae

18 Fireworm Hermodice carunculata coral-bleaching pathogen Vibrio shiloi

19 Bioluminescent bacteria FMNH 2 + O 2 + RCHOFMN + H 2 O + RCOOH+light Luciferase FMN –flavin mononucleotide Autoinduction, quorum sensing Vibrio fischeri Photobacterium phosphoreum

20 Rickettsias Obligate intracellular parasites

21 Wolbachia Parthenogenesis Killing of males Feminization

22 Wolbachia

23 Buchnera aphidicola Gammaproteobacteria

24 Gram-Positive bacteria

25 Low GC

26 Lactic acid bacteria Electron transport phosphorylation NO porphyrins and cytochromes Substrate level Phosphorylation only Aerotolerant anaerobes

27 High GC Streptomyces Actinomyces conidia




31 Cyanobacteria

32 Chlorophyll a Phycobilins N 2 fixation (some) Cyanobacteria

33 Chlorophyll b  -carotene Divinyl Chlorophyll a Prochlorococcus


35 Planctomyces No peptidoglycan Nucleated prokaryotes

36 Green Sulfur Bacteria

37 Chlorobium limicola Chlorobaculum


39 Green Sulfur Bacteria “Chlorochromatium aggregatum”

40 Hyperthermophiles

41 Thermotoga Thermodesulfobacterium Aquifex

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