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The ColorFarmThe ColorFarmThe ColorFarmThe ColorFarm A Dr. Jean Favorite from “Sing to Learn with Dr. Jean” (Sing to the tune of: “BINGO”) PowerPoint created.

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Presentation on theme: "The ColorFarmThe ColorFarmThe ColorFarmThe ColorFarm A Dr. Jean Favorite from “Sing to Learn with Dr. Jean” (Sing to the tune of: “BINGO”) PowerPoint created."— Presentation transcript:

1 The ColorFarmThe ColorFarmThe ColorFarmThe ColorFarm A Dr. Jean Favorite from “Sing to Learn with Dr. Jean” (Sing to the tune of: “BINGO”) PowerPoint created by: Karen Stamp

2 There was a farmer,

3 had a cat, and Black was her name-o,

4 B-l-a-c-k,

5 and Black was her name-o!

6 There was a farmer,

7 had a dog, and Brown was her name-o,

8 B-r-o-w-n, B-r-o-w-n, B-r-o-w-n,

9 and Brown was her name-o!

10 There was a farmer,

11 had a cow, and Purple was her name-o,

12 P-u-r-p-l-e,

13 and Purple was her name-o!

14 There was a farmer,

15 had a horse, and Green was her name-o,

16 G-r-e-e-n,

17 and Green was her name-o!

18 There was a farmer,

19 had a duck, and Orange was her name-o,

20 O-r-a-n-g-e, O-r-a-n-g-e, O-r-a-n-g-e,

21 and Orange was her name-o!

22 There was a farmer,

23 had a bird, and Blue was her name-o,

24 B-l-u-e,

25 and Blue was her name-o!

26 There was a farmer,

27 had a chick, and Yellow was her name-o,

28 Y-e-l-l-o-w,

29 and Yellow was her name-o!

30 There was a farmer,

31 had a pig, and Red was her name-o,

32 R-e-d,

33 and Red was her name-o!

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